76 1530 Stichting De Roos Achmatova A
76/1530 [Stichting De Roos]. Achmatova, A. Âå÷åπ/ Avond. Dutch transl. H. Boland. Utr., Stichting De Roos, 2017, 128p., 5 (photogr.) ills., design by M. SNITKER, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. boards. Poesjkin, A.S. Het schot. Dutch transl. K. van het Reve a.o. Ibid., idem, 1978, 34,(4)p., ills. by L. METZ, typogr. by D. DOOIJES, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. blindst. cl., 4to. - AND 4 others, all Dutch translations of Russian works and publ. by the same, printed in 175 numb. copies: B. WITKOVSKY, Den oceaan over: Nederland en België (1974, vign. and ills. by W.D. KUIK, typogr. by G. DEUNK, orig. cl.); N.W. GOGOL, De Neus. Transl. C.B. Timmer (1980, ills. by H. BERSERIK, orig. cl. w. mounted plate); D. CHARMS, Een oude vrouw. Transl. C.B. Timmer (1985, tinted ills. by J. KUIPER, orig. cl.) and F.M. DOSTOJEWSKI, Witte nachten. Transl. H. Leerink (1991, ills. by A. VAN DEN BERG, orig. hcl.).
€ (70-90) 80