= "St. Nicolaas Geschenk van J. Terpstra aan W.L. Tydeman Leijden 6 december 1826" (manuscript in pen and ink on upper pastedown). Some names and places: A.G. van Vierhouten geb. Ising ("Franeker den 17 Febr. 1826"); L.H. Troost ("Arnhem, den 27 December 1824"; with drawing); L.J. Tijdeman ("Leyden 24 Jan. 1827"; w. watercolour of a flowering branch); J.H. Calckoen ("Leyden 30 December 1826"); W.L. Terpstra geb. Tijdeman ("Rotterdam den 18 Febr. 1827"; with drawing of a ruined castle); J.T.[?] Bodel Nijenhuis ("Leijden 31 März 1826"); E.H.J.L. Speyart van Woerden 2 Lt. ("Amsterdam 18 17/8 38"); A. Tak[?] ("6 August: 1848"; drawing of "La Retraite"); M.(eindert) Tydeman (historian and author) ("oud 83 . jaar, 7 maanden. en 16. dagen. Leiden, 15. Nov., 1824"); A.L. Bisschop ("11 Augustus 1850"; w. drawing) and a carte-de-visite of P.A. DE GENESTET (signed in pencil in lower margin). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LVI.
- Box in poor condition.
= I.a. drawings by H(enriette?) RONNER (2x), J. van RAVENSWAAY (prob. Jan van Ravenswaay Gzn.) and Herman Tollius Drabbe.
AND 2 others: a Swiss album amicorum (±1850, incl. 8 pencil drawings) and a gilt calf bookshaped cassette or box (8vo).
= A very interesting ledger of an unidentified Amsterdam notable businessman and his family over a period of 34 years. This document gives a careful representation of the financial household at that time, in which real estate, shares in the VOC (for all sorts of international trades) and the Zuid-Zee compagnie, among others, merchandise and interest on loans, bonds and other financial products played a major role. Many names of (important) Amsterdam families are mentioned, among which "Raphael Mendes da Costa", "Isaac Joseph Mendes da Costa", "Jan Gabriel Tegelaar", "David Cohen", "Hillegonda van der Poorten", "Jan Messchert van Vollenhoven" and "Jacob Zwartenhoff". Over the years, payments have been administered for, among other things, a house in the Hartenstraat, a stable in the Bloemstraat and "Een Huis naast mijn woonhuis". In all a very well preserved insight into the annual cash flows of what appears to be a versatile merchant. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LVI.
= Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek.
- Stain in lower edge; closed tear in upper corner; verso w. tape in corners; sl. fingersoiled.
= Transcript of a leaf from an unidentified edition of the Legenda Aurea of J. de Voragine.
- Cut out from an antiphonary; w. remnants of former sellotape on verso.
ADDED: a 17th-cent.(?) printed leaf from an antiphonary.
= Personal letter about a lunch at the Athenaeum Club with Bastien Lepage [Jules Bastien-Lepage, the French painter] at which Alma Tadema had hoped to meet Cooke, suggesting other arrangements.
= Alma Tadema writing that he is pleased that Mr. Holzmann has enjoyed his exhibition, hoping he will visit the studio, although "For the moment I am in full removal & can hardly think of painting (...)". SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LVI.
= A small note of gratitude for the recipient's attendance at the funeral of H.Th. Wijdeveld's wife, Dutch actress Charlotte Köhler (1892-1977).
- Each vol. w. owner's entry of John Tharp on upper pastedown. Spine-ends restored and backstrips worn.
= Thomas Bewick writing to John Tharp, a wealthy sugar baron who acquired Chippenham Park in 1791, concerning new editions of his works and gently declining invitations to Chippenham Park due to ill health.
- Remnants of former mount on verso.
= Breitner asks for a book to be collected at his address. According to information supplied by the consignor the short note is addressed to Nico van Suchtelen, publisher at Wereldbibliotheek.
Israels, Joseph (1824-1911). Short AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED "Jozef Israels", to "Harold Geralds Esq.", dated "The Hague 19 januari 1906", pen and ink, recto only.
- Small hole in upper part affecting "19".
- Folded twice.
= Short letter concerning payment of his contribution to the artists society Arti et Amiticiae (of which the artist Bobeldijk was a board member) which he is willing to pay but, as he didn't attend the last meeting, he would prefer to pay at a later stage. He also asks if one of his friends could join the society ("Ik heb het geantwoord dat dit niet mogelijk was, naar ik geloofde. Dat is toch zoo?").
= H.W. Mesdag thanking his friend for borrowing "het Pulchri "Studio boekje" which he just sent back. An earlier request for a short speech is discussed and apparently Willy Martens (1856-1927) has advised against the speech "Volgens hem moet dit zeer kort zijn en in alle gevallen niet meer dan 10 minuten duren - Dat is te weinig tijd en geloof ik dat het beter is dat niet te doen, te meer daar ik met een enkel woord eenige bijzonderheden kan vermelden". Mesdag was chairman of the Pulchri Studio society.
= A small note concerning an earlier conversation to reiterate the name of "heer Heyl, Hijl of Heil - ik denk het eerste; maar als u hem opbelt en vraagt naar de heer Hijl dan maakt dit geen verschil".
- Tipped onto mount.
= In response to a request by an unidentified recipient, Jan Sluijters writes "dat ik gaarne een der vier kleuren litho's zal uitvoeren". He writes that he will visit "Heer L. Simons" on Saturday May 13th.
- The second letter formerly torn in two (now reattached w. tape).
= The first letter concerning an appointment to paint a portrait of Mrs De Hartogh's child and on the price charged for the portrait: "Ik herinner me, dat U mij verleden jaar naar den prijs vroeg van zoo'n portret en ik u toen opgegeven heb f.25,-. De prijs, die ik echter sedert eenigen tijd voor zulke portretten ingevoerd heb is gekomen op f. 350,- (lijst niet inbegrepen) (...)." In the second letter concerning recipt of payment and "Het doet mij zeer veel genoegen, dat het portretje van uw jongste kind naar genoegen is uitgevallen. - Wat het portret van Kareltje betreft, dit zal ik Vrijdag middag even gaan vernissen (...)".