1988 - 2072     FOREIGN LITERATURE

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81 1988 Ambo Klassiek reeks  Lot of 11 volumes 81 1988 Ambo Klassiek reeks Lot of 11 volumes
81/1988 [Ambo Klassiek reeks]. Lot of 11 volumes, Baarn, Ambo (9x)/ Amst., Ambo (2x), 1988-2003, orig. unif. cl. w. dustwr. (1x w. wrap-around band).

- Six vols. w. sl. faded spine. Otherwise fine.

= Comprising: EDDA; EURIPIDES, Alkestis. Medea; H.J.C. VON GRIMMELSHAUSEN, De avonturen van Simplicissimus; FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS, De Joodse oorlog & Uit mijn leven; G. LEOPARDI, Zangen. I Canti; DE SAGA VAN GRETTIR; DE SAGA VAN NJAL; TACITUS, Historiën; Dialoog over de welsprekendheid. Argicola. Germania; Jaarboeken (3 vols.) and XENOFON, Anabasis. De tocht van tienduizend.

ADDED 7 others, all by classical authors, i.a. 3 vols. from the Baskerville series, all in orig. cl. w. dustwr. and wrap-around band (all fine): SUETONIUS, Keizers van Rome; TACITUS, Het leven van Agricola. De Germanen and VERGILIUS, Het verhaal van Aeneas.

€ (120-150) 190
81 1989 Burroughs W 81 1989 Burroughs W
81/1989 Burroughs, W. The naked Lunch. Paris, The Olympia Press, 1959, 1st ed., 225,(2)p., orig. wr.

- Without dustwr.; former ticket originally at foot of spine torn off leaving traces on spine and on backwr.; 3 sm. nibbled spots on edges of frontwr.; backstrip faded.

= The first edition, w. a green border on the title-p. and priced "Francs: 1.500" on the backwr. Kearney, The Paris Olympia Press 151.

€ (70-90)
81 1990 Cahiers 333 Périodique littéraire et artistique d'avant garde No 1 3 all published 81 1990 Cahiers 333 Périodique littéraire et artistique d'avant garde No 1 3 all published
81/1990 Cahiers 333. Périodique littéraire et artistique d'avant-garde. No.1-3 [all published]. Antw., n.publ.,1950-1951, 3 vols., linocut by Pol MARA, plates, ills., orig. (unif.) wr.
€ (80-100)
81 1991 Céline L F 81 1991 Céline L F
81/1991 Céline, L.-F. Reis naar het einde van de nacht. Dutch transl. E.Y. Kummer. Amst., G.A. van Oorschot, (1968), 619p., orig. cl. w. (sl. worn) dustwr. - AND 8 others by the same, all Dutch translations in orig. cl. w. dustwr., all (near) fine: Dood op krediet (1979; without dustwr.); Van het ene slot naar het andere (1981; dustwr. sl. frayed); Noord (1983); Rigodon (1985); Guignol's Band (1987); De Brug van London. Guignol's Band II (1989); Feeërie voor een andere keer (1991); Normance (1994).
€ (100-150) 100
81 1992 Chatwin B 81 1992 Chatwin B
81/1992 Chatwin, B. The Viceroy of Ouidah. London, J. Cape, 1980, 1st ed., (4),155p., orig. boards w. dustwr. (fine).
€ (30-50) 40
81 1993 Claudel P 81 1993 Claudel P
81/1993 Claudel, P. Tot ziens, meneer Friant. Dutch transl. K. de Vuyst. Antw./ Amst., Uitgeverij Vrijdag/ De Bezige Bij, 2010, 1st ed., 95,(1)p., num. col. ills., orig. boards w. dustwr. Idem. De wereld zonder kinderen. Transl. M. Sarkar. Amst., De Bezige Bij, 2007, 124,(3)p., col. ills. by P. KOPPE, orig. boards w. dustwr. Idem. Het kleine meisje van meneer Linh. Transl. M. Sarkar. Ibid., idem, 142,(1)p., orig. boards w. dustwr. - AND 4 others by the same, all published by De Bezige Bij, all orig. hardcover binding w. dustwr.

- Four vols. w. bookplate on upper pastedown. All fine copies.

€ (40-60)
81/1994 Craxton J  Visionary Poems and Passages of The Poet's Eye Ed G Grigson 81/1994 Craxton J Visionary Poems and Passages of The Poet's Eye Ed G Grigson
81/1994 Craxton J  Visionary Poems and Passages of The Poet's Eye Ed G Grigson 81/1994 Craxton J Visionary Poems and Passages of The Poet's Eye Ed G Grigson
81/1994 [Craxton, J.]. Visionary Poems and Passages of The Poet's Eye. Ed. G. Grigson. London, Frederick Muller, 1944, 1st ed., VI,122p., 16 col. lithogr. plates, ills. and orig. cl. w. dustwr. by J. CRAXTON.

- Occas. sl. foxed; owner's entry on upper pastedown. Dustwr. closed (w. conservation tape) tear at top of spine; dustwr. formerly horizontally folded and trifle duststained.

= Rarely found with dustwr.

AND 4 others, all 1st (Am./ Engl.) editions, all w. owner's entry on upper endpaper, i.a. M. MOORE, O to be a Dragon (New York, 1959, orig. hcl. w. dustwr. Dustwr. w. closed tear at foot of spine); L. DURRELL, Collected Poems (ibid., 1960, orig. (foxed) cl. w. (price-clipped) dustwr.) and W.H. AUDEN, Homage to Clio (ibid., 1960, orig. hcl. w. dustwr. Backwr. sl. foxed).

€ (80-100)
81 1995 Crime fiction  Conan Doyle A 81 1995 Crime fiction Conan Doyle A
81/1995 [Crime fiction]. Conan Doyle, A. The Hound of the Baskervilles. New York, McClure, Phillips & Co., 1902, 1st Am. ed., 2nd issue, (10),248,(2),(8 advert.)p., 7 plates by S. PAGET, orig. red cl. w. white lettering on frontcover.

- White lettering on (sl. faded) spine flaked off; backcover trifle stained. Otherwise a very good copy.

= Second impression (w. "Published March, 1902, R" on verso of title-p.).

Christie, A. The Pale Horse. London, Collins, for the Crime Club, 1961, 1st ed., 256p., orig. boards, w. dustwr.

- Lower end of dustwr. strengthened; titles listed on folding flap of backwr. all ticked in ballpoint.

AND 2 others, i.a. R.H. VAN GULIK, The Chinese Maze Murders. A. Chinese detective story suggested by three original ancient Chinese plots (The Hague/ Bandung, 1956, 1st ed., plates, orig. cl. w. dustwr. Bookplate (w. stain on verso) on htitle; dustwr. sl. worn and stained on verso).

€ (70-90) 210
81 1996 Crime fiction  Fleming I 81 1996 Crime fiction Fleming I
81/1996 [Crime fiction]. Fleming, I. The man with the golden gun. London, Jonathan Cape, 1965, 1st ed., 221p., orig. boards w. (unclipped) dustwr. by RICHARD CHOPPING.

- Light green bookseller's stamp on folding flap of frontwr. Tiny nibbled spot at top of folding flap of backwr. Otherwise very fine.

€ (70-90) 160
81 1997 Crime fiction  Fleming I 81 1997 Crime fiction Fleming I
81/1997 [Crime fiction]. Fleming, I. Octopussy and The Living Daylights. London, J. Cape, 1966, 1st ed., 94,(1)p., orig. giltlettered dark brown boards w. (unclipped) dustwr. by RICHARD CHOPPING.

= A fine copy of the first edition, with the publisher's price label showing 16s / 80p pasted over the original price of "10s.6d net" printed on inner flap of frontwr. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLVIII.

€ (100-150) 170
81 1998 Crime fiction  Le Carré J 81 1998 Crime fiction Le Carré J
81/1998 [Crime fiction]. Le Carré, J. Our Game. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1995, 1st ed., 347p., orig. boards w. dustwr. (very fine). Rankin, I. The Flood. London, Orion, 2005, later ed., XVIII,205p., orig. boards w. dustwr.

= SIGNED on title-p.

Goldman, W. Marathon Man. New York, Delacorte Press, 1974, 1st ed., (8),309p., orig. cl. w. dustwr.

- Two sm. closed tears at foot of spine of dustwr; spine sl. sunned.

AND 7 others, i.a. R. DUDLEY EDWARDS, Corridors of Death (London, 1981, 1st ed., orig. boards w. dustwr. Fine) and a duplicate of the 1st edition of the first work of the lot (in orig. boards w. dustwr. Fine).

€ (60-80) 60
81 1999 Crime fiction  Markham R  = Amis K  81 1999 Crime fiction Markham R = Amis K
81/1999 [Crime fiction]. Markham, R. (= Amis, K.). Colonel Sun. A James Bond Adventure. London, Jonathan Cape, 1968, 1st ed., 255p., orig. black boards w. dustwr. by TOM ADAMS.

- With light green bookseller's stamp on folding flap of frontcover. Dustwr. trifle rubbed at top of spine.

= Fine copy of the first post-Ian Fleming Bond novel, in first edition with the dropped quad mark to the copyright page and vertical 'North' pointer on both endpapers..

Amis, K. The James Bond Dossier. Ibid., idem, 1963, 1st ed., 159p., orig. black boards w. dustwr. by JAN PIENKOWSKI.

- Dustwr. trifle rubbed at corners and spine-ends.

€ (100-150) 100
81 2000 Dahl R 81 2000 Dahl R
81/2000 Dahl, R. James and the Giant Peach. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1961, 1st ed., 2nd state, (8),118,(2)p., col. ills. and dustwr. by N. EKHOLM BURKERT, orig. blindst. red cl. w. dustwr., 4to.

- Wrapper price-clipped; sm. tear in upper margin of frontwr. and spine-ends and corners of dustwr. sl. rubbed. Otherwise fine.

= Second state of the first edition. Points: copy with 4-line colophon (earlier state has a 5 line colophon) and with author's note on backwr. stating i.a. that Dahl has 3 children and not listing any other children's books by him. This copy with a manuscript signed dedication (to "Dorothy Hanson") by the publisher in ballpoint on first free endpaper, dated "Oct. 12/74".

AND 2 others by the same: Esio Trot (London, Cape, 1990, ills. and orig. boards by Q. BLAKE) and The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me (ibid., idem, 1985, col. ills. and orig. boards by the same, folio).

€ (80-100) 80
81 2001 Dahl R 81 2001 Dahl R
81/2001 Dahl, R. Kiss kiss. London, M. Joseph, 1960, 1st ed., 255p., orig. cl. w. dustwr.

- Dustwr. 3 sm. tears at spine-ends. Otherwise a fine copy.

Idem. Someone like you. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1954, 1st Am. ed., (8),359.(1)p., orig. cl. w. dustwr.

- Dustwr. sl. rubbed at top of spine and price-clipped..

€ (50-70) 160
81 2002 Daniel G 81 2002 Daniel G
81/2002 Daniel, G. Love's Last Labour Not Lost. London, B. Montagu Pickering, 1863, 1st ed., VI,294,(1)p., printed in 250 copies, contemp. cl. w. paper letterpiece. Landor, W.S. Imaginary Conversations of Greeks and Romans. Ibid., E. Moxon, 1853, 1st ed., VIII,492p., orig.(?) cl.

- Binding partly faded.

Montague, C.E. Right off the Map. A Novel. Ibid., Chatto & Windus, 1927, 1st ed., VI,312,(4)p., orig. cl. w. dustwr.

- Edges sl. foxed. = With AUTOGRAPH SIGNED MOTTO on htitle.

AND 4 others by T.L. PEACOCK, all illustrated by F.H. TOWNSEND (London, 1895-1897).

€ (70-90) 70
81 2003 Demoustier C A 81 2003 Demoustier C A
81/2003 Demoustier, C.A. Lettres à Émilie sur la mythologie. Paris, Nicolle, Dabot and Corbet, 1816, 6 vols., engr. frontisp. portr. and 61 plates, contemp. unif. gilt hmor. w. 2 mor. letterpieces, sm. 8vo.

- Bindings some sm. rubbed spots; corners sl. worn. Good copy. = This edition not in Vicaire.

€ (60-80) 70
81 2004 Dickens C 81 2004 Dickens C
81/2004 Dickens, C. Dombey and Son. London, Bradbury and Evans, 1848, 1st ed. in bookform, XVI,624p., etched frontisp. and title-p. w. vignette, 38 plates by PHIZ (= H.K. Browne) (incl. some lithogr. plates), contemp. gilt hcalf w. mor. letterpiece.

- Owner's entries and annots. on first free endpaper; sl. foxed.

= First edition in book form with the following points: with the added engraved title page vignette, on which Capt. Cuttle's hook is on his left arm and on p. 582, the last line has no period.

Idem. Little Dorrit. Ibid., idem, 1857, 1st ed. in bookform, XIV,625,(1)p., steelengr. title-p. and 40 plates by PHIZ (= H.K. Browne), bound unif. w. the preceding.

- Owner's entries and annots. on first free endpaper; plates occas. rather heavily foxed.

= First edition w. the following points: "Wiliam" for "Frederick" on p.317, line 27; B2 instead of BB2 on p.371; and "Rigaud" for "Blandois" on p.469, 472, and 473; three line errata on page XIV.

AND 1 other by the same: Our Mutual Friend (ibid., 1865, 2 parts in 1 vol., woodengr. plates by M. STONE, bound unif. w. the preceding).

€ (120-150) 275
81 2005 Dickens C 81 2005 Dickens C
81/2005 Dickens, C. Olivier Twist, of het leven van een weesjongen. Door Boz. Uit het Engelsch. Amst., Gebr. Diederichs, 1840, 2 parts in 1 vol., (4),283; (4),384p., 10 woodengr. plates after PHIZ (= H.K. Browne), later calf.

- Htitle and first plate loose; occas. waterstained. = Scheepers II, no.528. First Dutch edition.

AND 6 others, i.a. by the same, all Dutch translations: T. HOOD, Luimige reis langs den Rijn (ibid., 1840, woodengr. title-vignette, 11 (of 12) woodengr. plates, 1 text-ill., contemp. boards).

€ (50-70) 50
81 2006 Dickens C 81 2006 Dickens C
81 2006 Dickens C 81 2006 Dickens C
81/2006 Dickens, C. Our Mutual Friend. London, Chapman and Hall, 1865, 1st ed. in bookform, 2 vols., XI,(1),320; VII,(1),309,(1)p., 20/ 20 woodengr. plates by MARCUS STONE, modern unif. gilt hcalf w. mor. letterpiece on spine.

- One plate w. 3 tiny holes in blank margins; occas. sl. foxed; both vols. w. stamp "Charles Dickens fellowship conference" on final free endpaper. Vol. 1 upper hinge broken/ frontcover loosening; spines occas. chafed.

= Eckel p.94ff.

€ (50-70) 90
81 2007 Dickens C 81 2007 Dickens C
81/2007 Dickens, C. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. London, Chapman and Hall, 1837, 1st ed. in bookform, XIV,(1),609,(3)p., etched frontisp., title-vignette and 41 plates by R. SEYMOUR, N. BUSS and PHIZ (= H.K. Browne), contemp. red hmor. w. richly gilt spine, a.e.g.

- Endpapers loose; frontisp., title-vignette and most plates (sl.) browned/ foxed; occas. trifle waterst. in blank lower margin. Extremities trifle rubbed; backcover sl. scratched.

= With annotations in ballpoint on the final blank and on two loosely inserted leaves, signed by Godfried Bomans, Life President of the Dickens Fellowship, Haarlem-branch, dated August 13th 1960. Bound with the orginal wrapper of Part XV at the back of the book (w. some loss of words in the inner margin). This copy shows several of the points indicative of a first issue: the title-vignette reads "Tony Veller" (later corrected to Weller), there are two headings reading "Chapter III", line 5 on p.342 reads "S. Veller" (later also corrected to Weller), there is an imperfection in the capital "F" in the headline on p.432, and the two suppressed plates by N. BUSS are present, albeit cut short in the lower blank margins; some additional typographical errors associated with a first issue can also be found. Eckel, p.17ff; Smith part I, p.20-21.

€ (200-300) 425
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