- All vols. bookblock weak/ broken, otherwise fine.
= Comprises Fabelen en gedichtjes (tinted plates), Hoe langer hoe liever (col. plates), Vertelseltjes bij moeders schoot (tinted plates) and Het laatste boekje (col. plates). Lust en lering, p. 195-196.
AND 2 others: C. DOORMAN, Van katjes/ Van hondjes/ Van koetjes/ Van paardjes (Utrecht, n.d., num. ills. and some chromolithogr. plates, orig. pict. cl. With a dedication on htitle dated 1910) and a duplicate vol. of "Het laatste boekje" in later cl. w. col. lithogr. plates rather than tinted.
- Waterstained in lower blank margin not affecting text or image; later dedication on first free endpaper; endpapers sl. browned, otherwise fine.
F.E. Weatherly. Told in the twilight. London, Hildesheimer & Faulkner,n.d. (±1880), 64p., col./ monochrome lithogr. plates and ills. by M. ELLEN EDWARDS and J.C. STAPLES, orig. clothbacked pict. boards, 4to (Fine copy). Idem. Out of town. Ibid., idem, n.d. (1884), 64p, .col. lithogr. plates by L. WATT and monochrome ills. by E. WILSON, orig. clothbacked pict. boards, 4to.
- Lacks free endpapers; contents occas. trifle soiled/ foxed. Boards (sl.) scratched.
- (Slightly) foxed. Good copy. = Printed Kate Greenaway 11/9a.
Idem. Almanack for 1925. Ibid., Frederick Warne & Co. Ltd., n.d. (1924), (12) lvs., col. lithogr. ills. and orig. clothbacked dec. boards K. GREENAWAY, 12mo.
- A few p. trifle/ sl. foxed, but otherwise contents fine. Boards yellowed. = Printed Kate Greenaway 18/16a.
AND 1 other by the same: LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS (London, n.d. (1884), 1t ed., col. lithogr. ills. and orig. clothbacked pict. boards by K. GREENAWAY, sm. 8vo).
- Contents sl. browned and (sl.) foxed; upper hinge weak. Boards soiled.
= Printed Kate Greenaway 66.2; Osborne I, p.63: "(...) it was in this book, that Kate Greenaway first showed her full power as a painter of flowers"; Seebaß II, 671; cf. Gumuchian 2803.
Idem. Mother Goose or the Old Nursery Rhymes. London and New York, George Routledge and sons, n.d. (1881), 1st ed., 2nd issue, 48,(1)p., col. ills. engr. and printed by E. EVANS after K. GREENAWAY, orig. cl.
- New endpapers; contents trifle soiled. Rebacked w. use of orig. backstrip; binding browned.
= Printed Kate Greenaway 140.1b.
Idem. Almanack for 1884. London, George Routledge and sons, n.d. (1883), (10) lvs., col. lithogr. ills. by K. GREENAWAY, orig. pict. wr., 12mo.
- Endpapers sl. foxed. Wr. trifle/ sl. creased.
= Printed Kate Greenaway 4.2g, Gumuchian 2804.
AND 8 others by the same (incl. two copies of LA LANTERNE MAGIQUE and a sl. later ed. of MOTHER GOOSE), i.a. KATE GREENAWAY'S ALPHABET (London, n.d. (±1885), col. lithogr. ills., orig. pict. wr., 16mo). - WITH: (M.A. BEAUCHAMP RUSSELL), The April Baby's Book of Tunes (London, 1900, col. lithogr. ills by K. GREENAWAY, orig. pict. cl.).
- Dedication dated 1870 on upper pastedown; occas. trifle foxed. Rebacked w. use of orig. backstrip.
= Sixteen pages of publisher's ads. Osborne, p. 1011. Heraclitus Grey is a pseudonym of Charless Marshall.
Lowe, C.M. Little Workers. London/ New York, E. Nister/ E.P. Dutton, n.d. (±1910), (40)p., col. lithogr. plates and ills. by E. STUART HARDY, orig. clothbacked boards, large obl. 4to.
- Bookblock broken, contents mostly loose; owner's entry on upper pastedown. Binding sl. worn along extremities.
- Corners trifle/ sl. worn, otherwise a fine copy.
Samivel. Goupil. Sur une thème du roman de Renard. Paris, Delagrave, 1936, 1st ed., 40p. w. col./ tinted ills., orig. pict. boards, folio. Idem. Brun l'Ours. Ibid., idem., 1939, 1st ed., 40p. w. col./ tinted ills., orig. limp boards, folio.
- All cut-outs present. Lacks lower outer corner of backcover, otherwise fine.
- Binding sl. worn along edges.
Nieritz, G. Alexander Menzikoff, of de gevaren des rijkdoms. Amst., Ten Brink & De Vries, 1840, IV,107,(1)p., engr. title, 2 plates, orig. boards, 12mo.
- Sl. foxed. Covers stained; backstrip lacks portions; frontcover loose(ning).
AND 2 others.
- Binding trifle worn along extremities.
= De Bodt/ Kapelle p.169: "Kinderen verkleed als dier ter gelegenheid van carnaval of een gemaskerd bal, is een weinig voorkomend verschijnsel in de eerste helft van de twintigste eeuw en daarom doet de vermomming van Mapje en Papje in het hazenbos, twee leuke kindertjes in een hazenpak tussen de echte haasjes, getekend door de Duitse Sybille von Olfers, zo modern aan."
Osselen-van Delden, B.E. van. Levend speelgoed. Een grappige droom. Ibid., idem, n.d. (±1900), (24)p., col. lithogr. ills. and orig. clothbacked boards, obl. folio.
- Leaves loose. Covers sl. soiled. Otherwise a fine copy. = De hele Bibelontse berg p.626.
Rabier, B. Mopje Van Boevenburg en Zijn Streken. Dutch adapt. M. Hildebrandt. Ibid., idem, n.d. (±1920), (4),64p., num. (col.) lithogr. plates and ills. and orig. clothbacked lithogr. boards by B. RABIER, folio.
- Owner's entry on upper pastedown.
AND 15 others, i.a. N. VAN HICHTUM, Der wier ris in ald wyfke (Leeuw., (1908), 14 full-p. (col. lithogr.) ills. and orig. wr. by TJEERD BOTTEMA, 4to) and F. DE KANTER, Jo-jo 't grappige Javaantje (Alkm., (1932), col. ills., endpapers and orig. pict. boards by F. DE KANTER).
- Hinges weak; final 2 leaves of the second work sl. frayed and sl. browned in lower margin; final free endpaper sl. dam.
= Rare.
Cohen de Vries, P.J. Fleurige liedjes. Utr., W. de Haan, n.d., (18)p., 9 col. plates and orig. clothbacked pict. boards, obl. 8vo. Oom Abraham. Tijl XI. De laatste der Uilenspiegels. Eene historie van snakerijen. Amst., Gebr. Koster, n.d. (±1910), 68p., ills. and orig. boards by D. HOEKSEMA, obl. 4to. - AND 4 others, i.a. H.W. VAN LOON, Christmas Carols (New York, 1937, 1st ed., scores, col. plates/ ills. and orig. boards w. dustwr. by G. CASTAGNELLA, sm. folio.
- Occas. sl. foxed; 4 of 5 vols. upper hinge weak.
= Welsh 4841 and cf. 4831 and 4836-4838; cf. Spielmann 209, 221-223 and 224; Bondy p.59-60.
- Lacks one textleaf; one plate sl. smudged in upper left corner; fingersoiled/ stained.
= Huiskamp M271; Ki.la.ki.le 418. Rare.
Poes in den val! Leerzame historie voor kinderen. Ibid., P.M. van der Made, n.d. (1858), 11p., woodcut ills., orig. wr.
- Wrappers loose(ning) and frayed. Contents fine. = Lust en Leering p.94.
Gerstäcker, Fr. De wereld in 't klein voor de kleine wereld. Transl. H.J. van Lummel. Utr., Kemink en Zoon, n.d. (1858), 2nd rev. ed., VI,(2),115p., double-p. handcol. lithogr. map and 3 tinted lithogr. plates, contemp. gilt blindst. cl.
- Map and plates sl. foxed/ waterst. in blank margins; owner's stamp on title. Cloth discoloured.
Potgieter, E.J. Liedekens van Bontekoe. Amst., H. Frijlink, 1840, 1st ed., VIII,94p., 4 steelengr. plates, contemp. cl.
- One plate w. closed tear in lower blank margin; upper hinge weak. Lower joint splitting; cloth discoloured.
= The Children's World of Learning 464.
AND 19 others similar, i.a. H.E. DE WITT, De kinderen, geschetst in onderhoudende verhalen (Leyden, n.d. (1862), tinted lithogr. plates, contemp. gilt blindst. cl.); S.J. VAN DEN BERGH a.o., Het nachtegaaltje (ibid., n.d. (1851), handcol. tinted lithogr. plates, contemp. gilt cl., sm. 8vo) and GEENE ROZEN ZONDER DOORNEN (ibid., ±1850, handcol. lithogr. plates, contemp. giltlettered cl.).
- Owner's entry on first free endpaper.
My Own Dollies. Untearable. Ibid., idem, n.d. (±1900), (16)p. (incl. wr.), 4 col. lithogr. plates, ills. and orig. col. lithogr. wr. by R.C. PETHERICK, 4to.
- Owner's entry on first textlvs. Worn along extremities.
AND 2 others publ. by the same, i.a. W. WANDSWORTH, We Are Seven (n.d. (±1890), ills. by M.L. GOW, orig. pict. wr.).
- Upper hinge broken.
= BNK 609; Waller 1239; Van Veen sale II, 325. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXIX.
- Fine copy.
= From the library of J. Landwehr w. his bookplate on upper pastedown. BNK 609; Huiskamp M307; Waller 1239; Van Veen sale II, 325; cat. Ki.la.ki.le 225.
Grazia, M. and Wehr, J. Novara. Il gatto dagli stivali. Instituto Geografico de Agostini, 1948, no pagination, 6 col. plates w. movable parts and num. col. ills., orig. boards w. dustwr.
- Plates w. movable parts partly dam. (4 of 6) w. parts torn or lacking; contents sl. browned. Dustwr. sl. torn.
AND 13 others, mostly (modern) pop-up books and two photicular books, i.a. J. BIGGS and B. ROBINSON, The Pop Up Kama Sutra (Henley-on-Thames, 1984, w. 4 double-p. pop-up ills.) and D.A. CARTER, One Red Dot (New York, 2004, w. 9 double-p. pop-up or movable ills.).
- One circle lacks upper picture; 2 circles (sl.) defective; waterst., not affecting plates; most lvs. reattatched/ strengthened w. cl. tape. Boards waterst. and sl. worn along extremities; foot of spine dam.
= Rare. Cf. Montanaro, p.299-300. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXX.
- Textblock loose and a trifle browned. Ties dam. Otherwise a good copy.
= An early Dutch example of a "Jack-in-the-book". Rare.
- Contents sl. foxed/ browned.
= The Children's World of Learning 3171: "Beautifully illustrated and hand-coloured fable book for children (...). The plates show animals and small children, mostly out of doors with plants and flowers."
ADDED: 14 others, i.a. J. VAN OOSTERWIJK BRUIJN, Luimige dichtstukjes. Eerste/ Tweede verzameling (Amst., 1836/ 1839, 2 vols., 2 engr. titles by E. SCHMETTERLING, contemp. unif. gilt hcalf w. 2 contrasting mor. letterpieces, sm. 8vo).
- Foxed. Owner's entry on frontwrapper; spine almost entirely split. = Rare.
Sheperd, J.A. Zig Zag Fables. London, Gardner, Darton & Co., n.d. (1897), 1st ed.(?), 40p., col. lithogr. ills. and orig clothbacked boards by J.A. SHEPERD, obl. 4to (rare).
- Hinges broken; contents yellowed/ browned. Boards sl. worn.
AND 1 other: F. LEIGH, Discontented Susan (London, (1899), col. lithogr. ills., 4to).