= Titled as a reference to the K2, the highest mountain on earth. Exhibited at Arti Galerie, Amsterdam (June, 1988).
- Owner's entries on title-p. Spine dam. near foot of spine; wr. sl. fingersoiled.
AND 11 others by the same, incl. 8 vols from the same series, all 1st ed., i.a. Patroelje bij Dageraad; Petroleum-gangsters (1953, 1st ed., "Woestijnrovers" on backcover); Buck Danny tegen Lady X (1958); Aanval op Malakka (1958).
- Tiny tear in foot of spine; covers sl. dustsoiled. Otherwise a fine copy.
Idem and Charlier. Kordaat tegen de diamantbende. Ibid., idem, 1958, 1st ed., 46,(2)p., orig. wr., 4to.
- Owner's entry on title-p. Spine worn and sl. dam. near foot of spine.
AND 6 others, i.a. 4 vols. from the same series and FRANQUIN, Masker der Stilte en de superquick (1958, 1st ed.).
= The original drawing for S. Kago, Abstraction (p.15, 1997).
- Spine strengthened/ repaired w. paper strip; owner's entry on frontcover; covers soiled and duststained.
= "According to comics collector and bibliographer Hans Matla, the oldest Dutch comics album is the protest document called Aanleiding tot den Engelsch-Transvaalschen Oorlog (...)." (N. Maas in P. Lefèvre and C. Dierick (ed.), Forging a New Medium p.74f). Maas proves this to be untrue, but still it remains a rare and early comics album and a humorous pro-Boer explanation of the causes of the Boer-war.
- Various defects.
= Nos. present are no.1-12, 14, 15, 17-21, 23-29, 31-46, 54 and 56.
Idem. Die vallei van die verlore wêreld. Johannesburg, Pronkboeke, 2021, 79p., ills., printed in 40 Roman numb. copies, orig. wr., obl. 8vo.
= Very rare facsimile reprint of this issue of Kapitein Rob in Afrikaans. Numbered on loosely inserted colophon. The original version is extremely rare.
Idem. (Avonturen van kapitein Rob). Thirteen miniature "Clairo" film reels, 3,7 cm. (width), for the magic lantern toy film projector "Clairo", kept in orig./ contemp. containers.
= Very rare. Het raadsel van de Andes gebergte; het pinguin-eiland van Professor Lupardi; De Onderwereld van professor Lupardi (no.1-3); Het scheepsjournaal van Peer de Schuymer (no.1-3); Het raadsel van Venus.
AND 10 vols. and 11 music sheets, illustrated by Pieter KUHN, i.a. "M'n tante is verliefd op Vogt, op Vogt van de radio! " (music sheet, Amst., Muziek en Letteren. Rare) and "'t Boefje. Kerstliedje naar het leven" (Gouda, P.J.W. Jongeneel. Very rare); L. REDFIELD PEATTIE, De verkeerde vrouw (Laren, n.d., orig. cl. by Pieter KUHN, orig. dustwr.); J. VAN SNELLENBERG, De ontvoering van het mirakelpad (ibid., n.d., orig. clothbacked boards by the P. KUHN).
- Sl. yellowed; occas. sl. frayed.
= Year 5 and 6 were published underground in 1944-1945. Year 6, no.3 is published on 21st of April, 1945. After the surrender of the Germans in the Netherlands, the numbering was resumed with year 1 again, starting with no.7 on 10 May 1945.
WITH: a fold. poster "Zijt gij 's vijands slaaf? Meldt u dan! Zoo niet, dan niet!" by Marten TOONDER (prob. a supplement of one of the issues).
- Blank margins sl. browned. Good/ fine copy.
= Year 5 [=1], no. 7, 8; year 6 [= 2], no.1-3 and extra number; year 1, no. 7-14 and year 2, no. 15-18.. Rare political periodical, with nice caricatures and early illustrations by Marten Toonder. No. 10 and 17 also each with an illustration of Heer Bommel and Tom Puss.
- Glue stains on first, last and centre page leaf from sellotape; spine dam. near foot of spine.
AND 4 others from the same series, all 1st ed.: Het geheim van Diepenbos (1955, w. similar defects as above); De fles in zee; De tropee van Zwartheuvel; Op Mowgli's voetspoor.
- Frontcover detached; spine dam./ worn; wr. fingersoiled.
AND 3 others from the same series, all 1st ed., all with defects: Kaap Nul; De Stille Planeet; De piraten van de stratosfeer.
= All SIGNED in pencil, black felt tip pen or pen and ink.
= With ORIGINAL PEN AND INK DRAWING of Jopo de Pojo on title, signed and "voor Erik [Slagter], 14-10-'04 Zutphen".
- Rolled.
Collignon, Jos (b.1950). "Goed wijkt voor beter". Silkscreen(?), 27x38 cm., signed and "147/200" in pencil.
= Jos Collignon was a long-time cartoonist for Volkskrant.
Meulen, Ever (= E. Vermeulen) (b.1946). "Champagne Campagne". Col. silkscreen on board, signed "Ever Meulen '94" and "44/100" in pencil. - AND a col. offset print by T. VAN DEN BOOGAARD.
= Published up to no.7. Rare Dutch adult (underground) comic magazine, i.a. contributions by Peter Pontiac, Evert Geradts, Hanco Kolk, Aloys Oosterwijk and Piet Schreuders. Also articles on comics. With 2 duplicates.
- First vol. first 5 pages vague waterstain in lower margin. = Matla KAPP 5.3a and Matla 2.2a.
Idem. Tom Poes op het eiland van Grim, Gram en Grom./ Tom Poes en het monster ei. Ibid., idem, n.d. (1947-1948), 2 (of 4) vols., (1),29,(2); 30,(2)p., (col.) ills. and orig. unif. pict. wr. by M. TOONDER, obl. 4to.
- Wrappers of both vols. strengthened on inside along spine; first vol. bookblock loose; both vols. backwr. yellowed.
= Matla 6.3 and 6.5.
AND 5 others by the same, i.a. Tom Poes en de Knip-hoed (Gron., Th. Niemeijer, n.d., ills., orig. wr. Fine copy); Tom Poes en de Pier-race! (Amst., de Muinck & Co., n.d., ills. (printed in green), orig. wr.) and Tom Poes en de Chinese waaier (Amst., D.A.V.I.D., n.d., ills., orig. wr., obl. 8vo. Two leaves reattached; frontwr. lacks sm. portion of lower right corner).
- Ad I: spine split; browned. Ad II: browned; worn along extremities. Ad III: browned; worn along extremities; frontwr. lacks upper right corner.
= Tom Poes-Boeken Serie I (kleurendruk), deel 1, 5 and 6. Matla Bomme 6.1/ 6.5/ 6.6.
AND 2 others by the same.
- Good copy. = Matla BOMME 10.1a.
Idem. Tom Poes en de laarzenreuzen. Amst., De Muinck & Co., n.d. (1948), (32)p., 5 full-p. col. ills. (1x double-p.), num. smaller (col.) ills. and orig. clothbacked pict. boards by M. TOONDER.
- Trifle rubbed along extremities. Good/ fine copy. = Matla BOMME 9,1, 10,2.
Idem. Tom Poes en de watergeest. Amst., De Bezige Bij, n.d. (1950), 59,(2)p., 4 col. plates, 8 full-p. col. ills., num. smaller tinted ills. and orig. clothbacked pict. boards M. TOONDER, 4to.
- Covers sl. rubbed along extremities. = Matla BOMME 10.2.
AND 3 others.