- Partly trilfe foxed/ yellowed/ loosening from stick; mostly fine.
= Comprises i.a. "Europa Staatkundig", "Midden Europa", "Limburg", "Een stad in de Middeleeuwen", "Bijplaat vogels in de winter", "Bijplaat sloot en bos", "IJselmeerpolder" and "Friesland".
- Boards sl. soiled and rubbed, but otherwise a fine copy.
- Contents occas. trifle fingersoiled. Boards (sl.) soiled and "32" in red ballpoint on frontcover; corners and boardedges sl. worn.
Idem. The Golliwogg's Polar Adventures. Ibid., idem, 1900, 1st ed., 62,(1)[=68]p., col. lithogr. ills. by F.K. UPTON, orig. clothbacked pict. boards, obl. 4to.
- Lacks first free endpaper; hinges reinforced; partly fingersoiled; a few pages w. sm. tears. Binding worn.
- Frontcover darkened; backcover sl. foxed; boardedges sl. worn/ dam. Contents fine.
ADDED: 5 others, all Dutch language children's books.
- Occasionally trifle soiled; endpapers sl. browned. Binding sl. scratched and rubbed/ worn along extremities.
Sellon, G. Short stories about animals. London, Griffith Farran & Co., n.d. (1894), ills. and plates by H. WEIR a.o., 84p., orig. gilt and blindst. cl., 4to.
- Lacks first free endpaper; contents occas. trifle/ sl. soiled. Binding soiled; worn at corners and spine-ends.
AND 2 others.
- Endpapers sl. browned; contents sl. yellowed. = Heller 4B.
Sol Dentitiae and Crochettos, J. De tandheelkundige raadgever of verpleging der tanden. Voor grooten en kleinen. Utr., P.H. Reyers, 1896, (4),48p., ills., later boards w. orig. portion of frontcover mounted, 4to.
= Rare work on dental care, written for adults and children, with sl. amateurish illustrations. The pseudonymous authors not identified.
AND 6 others, i.a. illustrated by RIE CRAMER and R. CALDECOTT.
- Bookblock broken but holding. Boards yellowed and sl. worn along extremities.
Sowerby, J.G. and Emmerson, H.H. Afternoon Tea. Rhymes for Children. London, F. Warne & Co., n.d. (1880), 64p., (full-p.) col. lithogr. ills. and orig. clothbacked pict. boards, 4to.
- Dedication dated 1880 on upper pastedown; bookblock broken but holding. Boards yellowed and sl. worn along extremities.
= Osborne I, p.49.
Waugh, I. Holly Berries. London/ New York, Griffith & Farran/ E.P. Putton & Co., n.d. (±1881), 48p., col. lithogr. ills. by I. WAUGH, sl. later hcalf, 4to.
- Contents sl. foxed, otherwise fine.
= De Vries 233; not in Ullrich.
Campe, J.H. Seelenlehre. Vienna, B.P. Bauer, 1809, XVI,191p., engr. frontisp., 4 fold. plates by F. WEBER, contemp. hcalf, sm. 8vo.
= Seebaß I, 328; cf. Rümann 234, listing an edition published in 1815. Probably a pirated edition after the first edition published in 1780. "(...) Joachim Campe's famous 'Knowledge of the Soul for little children", intended as a sort of general introductory teaching of religion and morals. As the author explains in his extensive preface, he fully agrees with the modern pedagogical principle that children of tender age should not be burdened with heavy subjects as religion, morals, history etc., but that they should mainly learn by experience and examples, a view introduced by Rousseau." (Cat. The Children's World of Learning 3926, listing the 2nd Dutch edition, 1806).
AND 1 other in 2 vols.