2685 - 3623 OLD and RARE BOOKS
- One preliminary leaf sl. stained. Fine copy.
= Bibliographia Sociniana 4409. Violent refutation of Socianism by Petrus de Witte (1622-1669), reformed minister at Hoorn, Delft and Leyden.
Heyden, A. Proeve ende Wederlegghinghe des Remonstrantschen Catechismi. Leyden, P.A. van Ravesteyn/ D.J. van Ilpendam, 1641, 2nd rev. enl. ed., (40),506,(14 index)p., woodcut printer's mark, contemp. overlapping vellum, sm. 8vo.
- Waterstained in upper and lower margin almost throughout.
= De Bie/ Loosjes IV, p.3: "Hoe ongegrond echter de beschuldiging van heterodoxe gevoelens was bleek uit zijn in 1641 verschenen Proeve en Wederlegghinghe (...), waarin hij (...) op principieele wijze al de vragen van den Remonstrantschen Catechismus zocht te weerleggen en daarna het verschil tusschen de leer der Remonstranten en die der Ned. Geref. Kerk aanwees."
- All vols. bookplate on first free endpaper. Boardedges and corners trifle worn. Fine copy.
= Buijnsters 56. Muller 904 ("Madame de Genlis schreef dit werk, als gouvernante van de kinderen van den Hertog van Chartres, dus van den lateren Koning Louis Philippe. Betje Wolff geeft er lezenswaardige aanmerkingen bij"); De Vries 288.
- Vol. 1 partly (vaguely) waters. Paper over boards dam./ worn off along fore edge.
= Buijnsters 118 (2nd ed.)/ 117 (1st ed.): "(...) dikwijls vindt men sets waarbij dl. I-II in tweede druk en dl. III in eerste druk voorkomt." (Buijnsters 118).
AND the 2nd vol. (of 2) only of IIDEM, Economische Liedjens (Amst., 1798, engr. plates by P.H. JONXIS, bound in the orig. printed boards of the ed. Hoorn, 1838).
- Spines rubbed; covers chafed. = Buijnsters 173; Waller 1889; Muller 261.
Iidem (= W. van Ollefen Caspersz.). Aanhangzel op de Historie van den heer Willem Leevend. Ibid., Willem de Redenaar (= Amst., Langeveld?), 1786, 1st ed., (2),280p., contemp. limp boards.
- With contemp. annot. on first blank: "Dit slegt voortbrengsel is niet van de Juffrwn. Wolff en Deken (...)"; sl. foxed. Joints and spine-ends worn.
= Buijnsters 226.
Iidem. Economische liedjes. Ibid., I. van Cleef, 1781-1782, 1st ed. (vol. 2 and 3)/ 2nd ed. (vol. 1), 3 parts in 1 vol., (2),XLVI,237,(3); VIII,268; XII[= X],260 [of 264]p., contemp. gilt hcalf w. mor. letterpiece.
- Lacks final 2 (index) lvs.; present final 2 lvs. loose; partly waterst. in upper blank margin. Binding sl. worn; top of spine dam.
= Buijnsters 118 (2nd ed.)/ 117 (1st ed.): "(...) dikwijls vindt men sets waarbij dl. I-II in tweede druk en dl. III in eerste druk voorkomt." (Buijnsters 118; this copy vol. 2 in 1st ed.).
- Lacks vol. 19; occas. waterst./ sl. yellowed and trifle mouldy; a few vols. w. some wormholes; Two vols. lack part of letterpiece.
= Cf. Lowndes p.2994.
- One tie broken. = Rare.
- Vol. 3 waterst. throughout. = Scheepers II, 594.
- Untrimmed copy with wide margins, contents fine. = Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 194; Cat. NHSM p.319.
- Owner's entry on first free endpaper. Letterpieces dam.; joints split(ting).
= Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 294; cat. Honig 201.
- Both vols. w. contemp. owner's entry on upper pastedown; 1 plate lacks sm. part of outer lower corner.
= Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 294; cat. Honig 201. Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek, both with his annots. tipped onto upper pastedown.
- New endpapers and blanks; two (partly) bleached owner's stamps on title-p. New vellum backstrip. Good copy.
= De Buck 1944; Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 264.
- Vol. 2. one plate torn on fold with loss of most of the plate; title-p. of vol. 2 doubled; occas. sl. soiled.
= Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 100 and 102.
- Two bookplates on first free endpaper in both vols.; a few fold. plates outer blank margins sl. frayed. First vol. w. sm. ticket on upper cover; binding both vols. trifle soiled.
(Heussen, H.F. van). Oudheden en gestichten van Zeeland (...). Dutch transl. H.V.R. (= H. van Rijn). Vol. 2 only. Leyden, C. Vermey, 1722, 2 parts in 1 vol., (4),56; 210,(14)p., 1 fold. engr. map, 7 fold. views, contemp. vellum.
- Lacks vol. 1. Bookplate on upper pastedown.
= Van Doorninck/ De Kempenaer, p.249; Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 222.
- Frontisp. sl. yellowed; occas. sl. foxed.
BOUND WITH: Weytssen, Q. Nauwkeurig verhaal Van de aanstellinge des Eerwaardigen Heeren, Nicolaas de Castro tot eersten bisschop van Middelburch in Zeeland In 't Jaar MDLXI. Leyden, P. vander Eyk, 1757, (26),204,(2)p.
- One plate almost completely torn loose; pastedowns loose.
- Bookblock splitting. Nevertheless a good/ fine copy.
Smits, D. De Rottestroom. Rott., Ph. Losel etc., 1750, 1st ed., (52),179,(3)p., engr. allegorical frontisp., title-vignette, half-p. vignette, 1 fold. portrait of Willem IV by P. TANJÉ, 3 full-p. allegorical plates by J. PUNT, contemp. vellum, 4to.
- Lacks the map; trifle foxed/ spotted.
- Both vols. owner's stamp on title; vol.2 map torn along middle fold (repaired); 1 view waterstained.
= Tiele 818.
- Lacks the frontisp.; stamp on title-p.; upper hinge sl. weak. = Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 366e.
Hand-vesten, Privilegien, Keuren en Reglementen, aangaande den Alblasserwaard (...). Gorinchem, T. Horneer, 1765, (14),537,(29)p., engr. heraldic title-vignette, 6 fold. letterpress tables, contemp. vellum, sm. 8vo.
- Lacks the map; a few tables torn; pastedowns detached. Cut in vellum over frontcover.
- Occas. sl. foxed/ browned. A fine copy. = Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 129.
ADDED: 1 other.