2685 - 3623 OLD and RARE BOOKS
- First/ final lvs. loose(ning), dam. and creased; most maps/ plates loose; bookblock loose. Binding badly dam. Sold w.a.f.
= Poortman I, p.241. For the worldmap, cf. Shirley 431 and 498.
- Worldmap loose and doubled w. Japanese; 2 maps restored w. paper on verso; 1 map lacks lower outer (blank) corner and sl. waterst. A very good copy in a fine contemp. binding.
= On this controversial Bible-edition see Poortman I, p.140-142. On the maps and Jerusalem plan see Poortman/ Augusteijn 25, who does not list the Lindenberg Bible as bible in which J. Savry's maps appear, only in the copies by I. van der Putte (±1715); our copy with impressum J. Savry, 1648. On the worldmap see Poortman/ Augusteijn 29 (cf. G II); our copy without impressum and w. Dutch title.
- Lacks the maps/ plans. New endpapers; manuscript family data (early 18th-late 19th cent.) on 2nd blank; title-p. repaired w. paper and tape on verso; sl. waterst. in margins. Professionally restored binding.
= Poortman I, p.172-176; 241.
- New endpapers; partly sl. (water)stained/ soiled in margins; 1 map and 1 textleaf restored w. paper/ tape (latter w. loss of some text). Professionally restored binding.
= Poortman I, p.242. For the worldmap with Stoopendaal's signature and with number 6, Shirley 513: "finely-executed general map in two hemispheres with the same corner decorations as in the Visscher-Berchem map of 1658 (...)".
- Title and first two lvs. margins restored; trifle yellowed and foxed. Spine renewed.
= Poortman I, p.244. For the worldmap by D. Stoopendaal after N. Visscher: Shirley no. 498 and cf. 431.
- Lacks (possibly) 1 map; upper hinge weak; other map and 1 plate loosening; frontisp., map and 1 plate sl. dam. from pages formerly sticking together; first 2 quires sl. waterst. in upper/ outer blank margins; (sl.) foxed throughout; a few scattered owner's entries/ annots. Binding sl. rubbed/ worn.
= The fifth edition of the "Oud-Katholieke Bijbel." Darlow/ Moule 3344; Poortman I, p.135-136 (illustrating the title-p.): "Een bijzonder kenmerk van de Oud Katholieken is, dat ze de bijbel en vooral het Nieuwe Testament, in handen van leken willen geven. (...) De aartsbisschop van Utrecht, Johannes van Neercassel, wilde een betere bijbelvertaling van het Nieuwe Testament. Daarbij maakte hij gebruik van het Franse Testament van Mons, dat ontstaan was onder invloed van de Jansenisten, die ook graag de bijbel in handen van leken wilden geven. Deze bijbel werd door de Roomsch- Katholieke kerk verboden en toen Aegidius de Witte, priester te Mechelen in 1696 het Nieuwe Testament naar het Franse Testament vertaalde, werd hij uit zijn ambten ontzet en vluchtte naar Utrecht. Geestelijken, die in hun parochie zijn Nieuwe Testament gebruikten, werden in de gevangenis geworpen." SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCVIII.
- Lacks final 3 textp. New endpapers; engr. title cut sl. short in right margin; first/ final few lvs. inner margin strengthened w. tape; margins sl. stained/ soiled, plates fine. Professionally restored binding.
= Poortman I, p.247. For the maps, Poortman/ Augusteijn p.230ff.
- New endpapers; title-pages w. bookseller's stamp; occas. sl. yellowed/ (finger)soiled in lower outer corner; vol. 2 first 4 lvs. sl. creased. Spine-ends sl. dam.; covers and edges sl. rubbed/ worn. Otherwise a good/ fine set.
= Zischka p.31, listing the original French edition published in 1722-1728; Poortman II, p.169-171: "Calmet's Naam- en Woordboek is geen prentbijbel maar een woordenboek met prenten. Het zijn geen prenten die de bijbelse geschiedenis afbeelden, maar de zeden en gewoonten der Joden, de godsdienstplechtigheden, de tabernakel, de tempels enz." The plates illustrate the history and culture of the Jews: ceremonies, costumes, plans and views of synagogues and other buildings, views of Jerusalem etc. Complete according to the binder's instructions in each vol., but all copies traced had varying numbers of plates (at the most 157 plates). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCVII.
- Occas. small stains; hinges weak. Joints partly sl. worn; 19th cent. endpapers.
- New endpapers; a few lvs. w. sm. tear/ reattached w. tape. Lacks ties.
= With prize awarded to Pieter Bruijnvis by the Doopsgezinde Kerk Alkmaar, 31 March 1777. Springer-Klassen 8616; Poortman II, p.71.
- Lacks the 2 frontisp. First 5 lvs. loose; endpapers dam.; partly sl. stained in upper blank margin; occas. sl. foxed and soiled.
= On this printbible of Basnage and Alewyn, which went through 10 editions between 1705 and 1721, in extenso Poortman II, p.109-120. Landwehr, R. de H. as book ill. 100; Hollstein IX, 2; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 404; Klaversma/ Hannema 129.
- Without the Old Testament. Lacks the 5 maps. Title-p. w. text "Tweede deel" cut out; a few lvs. repaired w. paper on verso; occas. sl. fingersoiled/ waterst. Top of spine chipped; extremities sl. worn.
= The large Mortier-bible. Poortman II, p.98-105; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 351; Klaversma/ Hannema 187.
- Lacks 1 ill. Prelim. lvs. reattached; margins of some lvs. strengthened w. japanese; occas. sl. (thumb)soiled/ stained (mostly in margins); 2 ills. w. sm. hole. Nevertheless a good copy.
= Rare. Poortman II, 30, 2a. Poortman calls for 233 plates in the first edition of 1648, which appeared in sm. obl. 4to; for the second edition 13 plates by P. HOLSTEYN were added. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCVIII.
- Contents fine, w. only a few wormholes in outer blank margins. Corners showing; spine worn; some rubbed spots.
= This second edition similar to the first edition of 1708, but enlarged with 2 pages of accompanying text to every print and with 5 engraved maps and 29 oval (and 1 not oval) vignettes of the "Grooten Bybel" of Mortier (1700). One of the most monumental works by Jan Luiken. Klaversma/ Hannema 160/ 161; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 429, p.666; Poortman II, p.131. On the worldmap by I. van Huchtenburg and with the address of Covens and Mortier, Shirley 622: "A further world map by Pierre Mortier has the title in French and Dutch and is said to be from a biblical work so far unidentified. Across the top of the map are five circles showing Night and Day, the Flood, the phases of the moon, and the west and east hemispheres."
- Second work lacks 2p. New endpapers; inner margin of first textp. strengthened w. paper; 2 plates repaired w. paper on verso; 1 plate torn on fold; 1 textp. repaired w. paper w. loss of some words; occas. sl. (water)stained. Vellum sl. soiled/ stained.
= Rare children's bible with mnemotechnics, orig. German ed. publ. Leyden, F. Lopes, 1681. Landwehr, R. de H. as book ill. 57; Poortman II, p.155: "Het ideaal van de 18de eeuw was de kinderen zoveel mogelijk thuis te laten geraken in de bijbel door middel van het memoriseren. Een typisch voorbeeld hiervan is het boekje van Ds. Johannes Müller uit Leiden (...) Van elk hoofdstuk van elk evangelie en eveneens van het Boek Openbaringen heeft hij prentjes laten maken waarop de voornaamste onderwerpen van dat hoofdstuk uitgebeeld worden. (...) Na de twee of drie bladzijden met prentjes volgt een gortdroge beschrijving, die als het ware een uittreksel van het bij de prentjes behorende bijbelgedeelte is."
- Partly sl. yellowed. Bindings w. minor imperfections; spine of vol. 4 sl. wormholed; joints splitting.
- Occas. sl. yellowed; vol. 3 bookblock shaken. Bindings w. various defects (sl. worn/ some dam. spots etc.).
- Spine-ends restored; embossing on backcover almost entirely worn off. Lacks contents.
- Pages cut short in fore-edge w. loss of text of glosses throughout. The vulnerable binding with the inevitable sl. wear; spine-ends sl. dam.; lacks larger part of clasps and catches.
= Rare 17th cent. embroidered bookbinding. Cf. Davenport, p.105f and plate 43. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCVIII.
- Pastedowns partly detached. A few trifle rubbed spots.