= Rare.
Wal, J. de (ed.). Harry van Kuyk (1929-2008). Wit op wit. En zwart, Reliëfdrukken en kunstenaarsboeken. Nijm., Van Kuyk, 2016, 415,(1)p., num. (col.) ills., printed in 1000 copies, orig. wr., 4to.
= Contains an oeuvre-catalogue.
- Frontwr. of the first 2 vols. w. a few tiny stains in outer margin; section 56 w. sm. stain on outer edge of part of bookblock; frontwr. of section 57 sl. yellowed and sl. fingersoiled.
= Artist's books on Absolute Knowlegde. The final three works of the Section series, vol.1-57, publshed between 1971-1990. The contents of each vol. consist of the repeated phrase "Absolute Knowlegde" on each leaf.
= Rare overview of all of conceptual artist Ian Wilson's "discussions" with invited participants, often at art institutions. The discussions themselves were never recorded or transcribed. The only physical remains of the discussions series were printed invitations, three of which are loosely inserted in the present volume.
= "Rudi van de Wint, geboren en getogen in Den Helder, heeft jarenlang met de gedachte rond gelopen om in de Nollen - een laag duinenterrein met een interessante vegetatie - en dan met name in de zich aldaar bevindende bunkers uit de eerste Wereldoorlog, een kuntzinnig projekt te realiseren, dat een synthese zou moeten zijn tussen schilderkunst en de ruimte van het omringende landschap".
Koningsbruggen, J. van. R.W. van de Wint. Schilder, beeldhouwer, bouwer. Amst., Sun, 2002, 295p., num. (col.) ills., orig. blindst. cl., 4to. - AND 6 exhibition catalogues on the same, i.a. from Galerie Delta (Rott.) and Centraal Museum (Utr. Triangle-shaped).
- Endpapers sl foxed; bookplate on first blank.
= One of 50 numb. copies bound in giltlettered full vellum.
= English translation of Ausgeführte Bauten und Entwürfe von Frank Lloyd Wright (ed. Berlin, 1911).
AND 7 others, i.a. The work of Frank Lloyd Wright. The Wendingen Edition (ibid., 1965, richly illustrated, orig. clothbacked boards w. dustwr., 4to) and B.A. SPENCER (ed.), The Prairie School Tradition. The Prairie Archives of the Milwaukee Art Center (ibid., 1979, ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to).
- All vols. w. tickets on upper pastedown. Extremities sl. rubbed. A fine set.
= The original ed. of the "standard dictionary of Dutch and Flemish artists" (Arntzen/ Rainwater E135).
Immerzeel Jr., J. De levens en werken der Hollandsche en Vlaamsche kunstschilders, beeldhouwers, graveurs en bouwmeesters, van het begin der vijftiende tot op de helft der negentiende eeuw. Ed. C.H. and C. Immerzeel. Amst., B.M. Israël, 1974, 3 parts in 1 vol., XXXII,300,(2); (4),336,(1); VIII,307,(1)p., frontisp. portrait, num. portraits in text and monograms/ signatures, orig. cl.
= Facs. reprint of the (second) ed. Amst., 1855.
Kramm, C. De levens en werken der Hollandsche en Vlaamsche kunstschilders, beeldhouwers, graveurs en bouwmeesters, van den vroegsten tot op onzen tijd. Ibid., idem, 1974, 3 parts in 2 vols. (incl. supplement), XXIV,10,960,(1); (6),961-1910,(1); (4),172p., orig. cl. (unif. w. the preceding).
= Facs. reprint of the ed. Amst., 1857-1864.
AND: F.G. WALLER, Biographisch woordenboek van Noord Nederlandsche graveurs. Ed. W.R. Juynboll (ibid., 1974, 61 portraits, 8 fold. genealogical tables, loosely inserted list w. abbreviations, orig. cl., 4to. Facs. reprint of the ed. The Hague, 1938).
- A very fine copy.
- A very fine copy.
= With AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION and an ORIGINAL DRAWING (10x12 cm.) in ballpoint on verso frontwr.
Prax, V. Avec Zadkine. Souvenirs de notre vie. Lausanne/ Paris, La Bibliothèque des Arts, 1973, 133,(5)p., photogr. portraits, ills., printed in 1000 numb. copies, orig. wr., sm. 8vo. - AND an exhibition catalogue on O. ZADKINE (Amst., Sted. Mus. Cat. no. 40, n.d.).
= From the library of the artist Nico Schrier, with his bookplate on upper pastedown.