= The Halcyon Press 1. Van Dijk 117. The gilt vignette of the Halcyon Press here used for the first time.
= Van Dijk 120; À l'Enseigne de l'Alcyon 1. Ritzer E73.
- Bookplate on upper pastedown. = Van Dijk 1012. One of 50 copies SIGNED by the author on the colophon.
Slauerhoff, J. Serenade. Maastr./ Brussels, The Halcyon Press, 1930, 1st ed., (4),35,(5)p., printed in 310 numb. copies (300), orig. wr., large 8vo.
- Backstrip sl. worn; spine-ends dam. = Van Dijk 230.
ADDED 2 others, i.a. H. MULISCH, De grens (Amst., 1976, printed in 250 numb. and signed copies, orig. cl. w. dustwr.).
- Some sl. usual foxing. Covers trifle darkened along margins.
= Halcyon Pers 8. Van Dijk 436. One of a few copies bound by LOUIS MALCORPS in gilt full mor., orig. wr. pres., t.e.g.
= Halcyon Pers 8. Van Dijk 436. With the orig. prospectus loosely inserted.
= One of 30 Roman numb. copies on imperial Japanese. Bound by L. MALCORPS(?) in full black morocco, giltlettered spine, gilt boardedges and inner dentelles, t.e.g. Van Dijk 162.
- Both vols. w. bookplate on upper pastedown/ first free endpaper; endpapers browned; occas. trifle foxed.
= Monod 199.
- Unnumb. copy. Wrappers sl. dustsoiled and partly sunned.
= Very rare separate edition of the play published in De Gemeenschap, year 4, p.281-291. From the library of Albert Kuyle, with his ticket ("A.K.") on verso frontwr. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXIX.
- Title and verso colophon w. some offsetting from wrapper. = Monod 5958. Rare.
= Heuvelpers no.4 and 3.
- Unnumb. copy. Backstrip sl. yellowed. A fine copy.
= Heuvelpers no.4. Printed by S.H. DE ROOS in his specially designed "Meidoorn" type.
- Endpapers some sl. foxing. Otherwise a fine copy, from the library of J.F. VAN ROYEN.
= Heuvelpers no. 2; printed with use of De Roos' Meidoorn-type.
- Endpapers and edges trifle foxed. Without the separate booklet by the editor T. Goedewaagen. A very fine copy, from the library of J.F. VAN ROYEN
= The first publication of S.H. de Roos' Heuvelpers, printed in his specially designed Meidoorn-type.This is copy VIII.
WITH: Aankondiging van de Heuvelpers te Hilversum Juni MCMXXVII. Ibid., idem, 1927, fold. brochure, (4)p., printed in black and red, w. loosely inserted "Order form" (1 leaf, recto only).
- Horizontal middle-fold. = Announcement and order form for the above publication.
= I.a. Afgezant (1995, printed in 42 numb. and SIGNED copies (14), orig. giltlettered cl.); K. OUWENS, Tucht is regelmaat, ontucht de regel (1995, 2x, orig. green mor., slipcase/ orig. wr.); W. VAN BROEKHOVEN, Illustrated Classic (1996); J. VAN OUDSHOORN, Openbaar vertoon (1998); E. DU PERRON, Laatste poging tot verzoening (1999, printed in 80 numb. copies (30), orig. hcl.); J.W. VON GOETHE, Ginkgo Biloba (2000); P. VAN DEN HOVEN, Recept tegen verslappende aandacht (2004); G. KOMRIJ, Leegte na de ramp (2008); L.H. WIENER, Erfgoed (2011); IDEM, Vaders en zonen (2012, printed in 86 numb. and SIGNED copies (20), orig. giltlettered hvellum, slipcase); IDEM, Moët & Chandon (2014); M. WIGMAN, Harde modder (2014, orig. cl.); P.F. THOMÉSE, Brief aan de Koning (2015); R. VAN GOGH, Nachtgewaad (2016) and L.H. WIENER, Tequila (2018).
= This collective consists of the Brederodepers, Illusions Perdues, the Korenmaat and the Lojen Deur Pers. I.a. N. MAAS, Eenvoudige vormen (2012, ills. by M. Visser); L.H. WIENER, De zoete inval (2013, SIGNED by the author); NESCIO, In Haarlem hevige regen, daarna in Amsterdam weer zon (2014, ills. by N. de Cock); B. BÜCH and E. VAN MUISWINKEL, In Haarlem laten ze alles staan (2014, orig. boards w. dustwr.); F. VOGELS, Formigine (2014, ills. by N. de Cock); N. MAAS, Varkens (2014, ills. by M. Visser); A. VAN DIS, Jammer (2014, SIGNED by the author); J. PIGNON, De wereld (2015, ills. by S. Kaart, SIGNED by the author and the artist); L.H. WIENER, Jonge kauw te Katwoude (2015, ills. by N. de Cock, SIGNED by the author); W.J. OTTEN, Verslag van een expeditie (2015, ills. by T. Schuringa, SIGNED by the author and the artist).
= One of 300 numb. copies bound in gilt hvellum.
- Box some soiling/ foxing.