J.J.P. Oud (1890-1963)
Drawings, Plans, Letters etc. from the Archive of Gunther Stamm
“Among the leaders of modern architecture in the first half of the twentieth century, one finds an impressive variety of personalities, at both the artistic and the human levels. Architects such as Frank Lloyd Wright, Walter Gropius or Le Corbusier were as innovative and distinct in the field of architectural design as they were extraordinary and sometime eccentric human beings. In each case a considerable amount of intellectual complexity and non-ordinary taste interacted with the more specialized field of architectural planning. Jacobus Johannes Pieter Oud (1890-1963) was no exception (...)” [Gunter Stamm, The Architecture of J.J.P. Oud 1906-1963 (Tallahassee, 1978)]..
The collection of drawings and documents from the estate of Gunther Stamm (1940-1982) presented in this auction (lot no.2466-2481), illustrates the important role that J.J.P. Oud played in the history of modern architecture, from his beginnings, his acquintance with De Stijl and Bauhaus and his public housing projects to his projects for i.a. town councils and large business firms. The drawings provide an interesting overview of all the stages of design and show the enormous versatility of Oud's architectural designs.

LIVE BIDDING in our auction rooms on 18-22 NOVEMBER
LIVE VEILING in onze veilingzaal, van 18 t/m 22 NOVEMBER
ON VIEW: Thursday 14, Friday 15, Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 November, 10 am - 4 pm
KIJKDAGEN: donderdag 14, vrijdag 15, zaterdag 16 en zondag 17 november, van 10.00 tot 16.00 uur
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LIVE ONLINE BIDDING including the option of online absentee ("safe") bids are possible on www.invaluable.com (when succesful both charged with 5% extra over the hammerprice)
SCHRIFTELIJKE BIEDINGEN. Deelnemen aan de veiling is mogelijk d.m.v. schriftelijke biedingen uitgebracht via onze online catalogus of met biedingen toegezonden via e-mail (beide zonder extra kosten).
LIVE ONLINE BIEDEN (inclusief de mogelijkheid van zogenaamde online "safe bids") is mogelijk via www.invaluable.com (indien succesvol tegen 5% extra kosten over de hamerprijs)
Written bids as well as bids by telephone or e-mail should be in our possession BEFORE SUNDAY 17 NOVEMBER, 8.00 pm (we cannot guarantee (proper) execution of bids received later)
Schriftelijke biedingen zowel als biedingen per telefoon of e-mail dienen ZONDAG 17 NOVEMBER VÓÓR 20.00 UUR in ons bezit te zijn (van later ontvangen biedingen kunnen wij de (correcte) uitvoering niet garanderen)