1875 - 3189 OLD and RARE BOOKS
AND 1 other: NOVUM TESTAMENTUM GRAECUM (...). Ed. J. Millius and L. Kusterus (Amst., 1710, engr. title-vignette, contemp. gilt calf schoolprize binding of FRANEKER, folio. Contents shaken; binding partly worn).
- Fine copy.
= Van Doorne/ Van Kempen 1944; Muller, America 1464; Sabin 24114; Rouffaer/ Muller p.621; Tiele 356 (note).
- Complete copy. Foxed almost throughout (also affecting the plates); occas. (erasable) underlining and marginal marks in pencil. Both vols. joints professionally restored, but upper joint of vol.II splitting at top end.
= Abbey, Travel, 719; Cox II, p.285; Sabin 91075; Van Doorne/ Van Kempen 6452; Rouffaer/ Muller p.624; Kolfin p.43-48 and passim. The most desirable work on Surinam, formerly known as the colony of Dutch Guiana. Captain John Gabriel Stedman, officer in the Scots Brigade in Holland, volunteered for service in the campaign against the black slaves in Dutch Guiana. During his stay there he married Joanna, a Mulatto, subject of plate 8. "While he did his duty as a soldier (...) he does not disguise his sympathy with the rebels (...) His description of the cruelties practised on the negroes, and of the moral deteriation resulting to their masters, forms one of the most vivid indictments of slavery that have ever been penned." (DNB). "De spannende tekst met informatieve beschrijvingen en prachtige illustraties had grote invloed op de beeldvorming omtrent slavernij. Enkele elementen uit het relaas werden voortdurend benadrukt: de gruwelijkheid van de slavernij en het romantisch verhaal van de jonge militair die er niet in slaagde zijn mooie en geliefde slavin Joanna vrij te kopen. (...) In de Narrative komt de auteur naar voren als iemand die slavernij niet wil afschaffen, maar wel een menswaardige behandeling van slaven eist." (Kolfin). The following quote from the Wikipedia entry on Stedman hightlights the relationship between Stedman and William Blake: "Stedman's Narrative associated him with some of Europe's foremost radicals. His publisher, Johnson, was imprisoned in 1797 for printing the political writings of Gilbert Wakefield. Johnson commissioned William Blake and Francesco Bartolozzi to create engravings for the Narrative. Blake engraved sixteen images for the book and delivered them in December 1792 and 1793, as well as a single plate in 1794. The images depict some of the horrific atrocities against slaves that Stedman witnessed, including hanging, lashing and other forms of torture. The Blake plates are more forceful than other illustrations in the book and have the "fluidity of line" and "hallucinatory quality of his original work". It is impossible to compare Stedman's sketches with the Blake plates because none of Stedman's original drawings have survived. Through their collaboration, Blake and Stedman became close friends. They visited one another often, and Blake later included some of his images from Stedman's Narrative in his poem "Visions of the Daughters of Albion"." SEE ILLUSTRATIONS PLATE CXXIV.
- Lacks vol. 3. Browned/ foxed; 1 map and 1 plate w. sm. tear in lower (blank) margin and sm. tear in outer blank margin of portrait, all just touching image; 1 map sl. waterstained in outer margin; (cancelled ) contemp. owner's entries on title and first blank. Covers rubbed; joints starting at top of spine; a few tiny wormholes in backstrip.
= Cohen 965.
- First 2 plates of part 1 sl. foxed in blank margins. Wrappers of part 1 sl. stained, otherwise wrappers occas. sl. frayed, but fine. Dropback box restored on the inside; edges of box partly dam. and joints splt(ting).
= Abbey Life 265 (our copy without the advertisements, except for 6p. bound with in part I).
- Foxed/ browned; occas. w. sm. stains, last part w. waterstains; a few lvs. w. (worm)holes or dam.; a few (contemp.) owner's entries on upper pastedown, endpaper and title. Spine-ends dam.; extremities binding rubbed.
= Rare.
- Lacks frontisp. and 17 plates; 2nd part sl. waterstained in blank margin towards the end. Otherwise contents very fine. Corners sl. worn.
= Large paper copy. Cat. NHSM I, p.229; Tiele 1077; Klaversma/ Hannema 1393; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 132; cf. De Backer/ Sommervogel VII, 1803, 1; Cordier, Bibl. Indosinica p.947; Howgego T71 and Cox I, p.328. Extremely rare Dutch edition.
- Fine.
- Bookplate on upper pastedown. Binding sl. rubbed. Otherwise fine.
= Engr. plan warranted by C. Elandt. Bound with the 5 plates mentioned in the 2nd ed. Nijhoff/Van Hattum 77. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXIV.
- Some vols. (water/ ink)stained; hinges/ inner margins occas. strengthened; one vol. w. bookplate on upper pastedown and old owner's annots. on first free endpaper, contents trimmed. Four vols. bindings (sl.) rubbed; some vols. spine strengthened; 1 vol. spine w. extensive fire dam.; 1 vol. rebound.
= Works by i.a. A. STIKKE, De Ledenstryt (Delft, 1651); I. VOS, De Beklaaglyke Dwang (Amst., 1655); A.F. WOUTHERS, De Stantvastige Genoveva, ofte Herstelde Onnooselheyt (ibid., 1666); MOLIÈRE, Steyl-oor, of De Schijnheylige Bedrieger (ibid., 1677); I. DE VOS, Iemant en Niemant (ibid., 1678); F. LE MÉTEL DE BOISROBERT, De Malle Wedding of Gierige Geeraard (ibid., 1681) and ANON., Klucht van de Qua Grieten (ibid., 1688).
- Partly mediocre copies.
- Title cut short w. partial loss of lower margin; occas. sl. foxed. Lacks mor. letterpiece.
- Trifle finger-/ dustsoiled; pastedowns loose and w. contemp. owner's entry in pen and ink. Calf over boards scratched and sl. dam.
= This edition not in De Backer.
- Occas. sl. yellowed and waterstained; both vols. w. former library stamp on title. Both vols. w. library ticket on frontcover; binding worn along extremities.
AND 1 other: G.J. VOSSIUS, De Theologida Gentili et Physiologia christiana (Amst., 1700, contemp. (dam.) blindst. vellum, folio).
- Vellum sl. soiled.
= Rahir 351; Willems 367: "Ces deux traités curieux sont écrits posthumes du voyageur français Pierre Gilles. (...) Le de Bosporo Thracio est surtout précieux en ce qu'il nous représente un ouvrage aujourd'hui perdu de Denys de Byzance, l'Anaplous Bosporou [Greek], dont il est une traduction abrégée."
- Partly waterstained in lower (mostly blank) margin. = Tiele 921; Scheepers I, 656. Rare.
- Lacks general title-p., 1 map, 2(?) prelim. lvs. and divis. title-p. to the 2nd part.
= Incl. a panoramic view of Constantinople, a plan of Gdansk and a Polish bear hunting scene.
- A few lvs. w. sm. wormhole in upper inner margin.
= Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem no.214a; Romein, Geschiedenis der Noord-Nederlandse geschiedschrijving M.E. no.30, p.82-86: "Niet aan zijn waarde als geschiedbron - ofschoon men verkeerd zou doen die (...) te onderschatten - maar aan het literaire karakter van zijn werk dankt Beka, evenals zooveel andere geschiedwerken uit vroeger en later tijd, den schier onmetelijken invloed, dien hij op de latere historiografie in Nederland heeft geoefend (...). Beka zou twee eeuwen lang de kroniek blijven, totdat hij door Heda verouderde en door de Divisie-kroniek verdrongen werd."
- Orig. wrappers and several plates in part 11 and 12 sl. browned; occas. sl. foxed; hinges weak. Binding sl. rubbed along extremities.
= Cf. Thieme-Becker XXV, p.203, listing a French edition of the present series of views published by J.P. Houtman in 1828-1830. Rare complete set. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXV.