2685 - 3623     OLD and RARE BOOKS

Page 4 of 47 Results 61 - 80 of 939
80 2745 Amsterdam and surroundings  Willink D 80 2745 Amsterdam and surroundings Willink D
80 2745 Amsterdam and surroundings  Willink D 80 2745 Amsterdam and surroundings Willink D
80/2745 [Amsterdam and surroundings]. Willink, D. Amsterdamsche Buitensingel, Nevens de omleggende dorpen, opgeheldert door aanteekeningen over Veele voornaame Geschiedenissen (...). Amst., A. van Huyssteen, 1738, 2nd ed., (36),304,(28)p., engr. frontisp., title-vignette, 3 (of 4) fold. views and 11 plates w. each 2 views, 1 plate, 1 large headpiece, modern marbled boards, sm. 8vo.

- Lacks the portrait (as often) and 1 fold. leaf.

= Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 332. Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek, with his bookplate on upper pastedown.

€ (50-70) 60
80 2746 Anderson J 80 2746 Anderson J
80 2746 Anderson J 80 2746 Anderson J
80/2746 Anderson, J. Beschryving van Ysland, Groenland en de Straat Davis. Bevattende zo wel ene bestipte bepaling van de ligging en grote van die Eilanden, als een volledige ontvouwing van hunne inwendige gesteltenis, vuurbrakende Bergen, heete en warme Bronnen enz. (...). Waar by gevoegt zyn de Verbeteringen Door den Heer Niels Horrebow, Opgemaakt in zyn tweejarig verblyf op Yslandt. Amst., J. van Dalen, 1756, 2 parts in 1 vol., (16),286,(6); (10),158p., engr. frontisp., fold. map and 5 (fold.) plates, contemp. speckled calf w. gilt spine, sm. 4to.

- Two bookplates on upper pastedown (i.a. from the collection of F.C. Koch). Upper joint starting. A good/ fine copy.

= Tiele 39 (ed. 1750); Sabin 1407; Lauridsen II, 48; Cat. NHSM p.301 (German ed. only); Ingalls 446: "First published in 1746, Anderson's detailed account of the arctic regions was immediately accepted and highly regarded". The second enlarged edition of the Dutch translation (first ed. 1750). Contains i.a. an account of whaling and a Danish-Dutch-Greenlandish vocabulary and grammar. The description of Davis Street makes this book also an important Americanum.

€ (400-600) 400
80 2747 Anson G 80 2747 Anson G
80 2747 Anson G 80 2747 Anson G
80/2747 Anson, G. A Voyage round the World In the Years MDCCXL, I, II, III, IV. Ed. R. Walter. London, J. and P. Knapton, 1748, 1st ed., (34),417,(3)p., 42 fold. engr. charts/ maps/ plates, later calf w. modern letterpieces, 4to.

- New endpapers; first quire reinforced along inner margin; occas. sl. foxed; final ±30p. lower outer corner waterstained.

= Sabin 1629; Cox I, p.49; Borba de Moraes I, p.38: "This is a classic account of circumnavigation which has been published in countless editions in French and other languages (...). The first edition, of 1748, is the one most sought after". SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXVIII.

€ (800-1.000) 800
80 2748  Ant arctica  Jonge J K J de 80 2748 Ant arctica Jonge J K J de
80 2748  Ant arctica  Jonge J K J de 80 2748 Ant arctica Jonge J K J de
80/2748 [(Ant)arctica]. Jonge, J.K.J. de. Nova Zembla. De voorwerpen door de Nederlandsche zeevaarders na hunne overwintering aldaar in 1597 achtergelaten en in 1871 door kapitein Carlsen teruggevonden, beschreven en toegelicht. The Hague, M. Nijhoff, 1872, 36p., lithogr. frontispiece, 1 plate, 1 fold. map, contemp. wr.

- Plates sl. waterst.; hinges weak (some lvs. loosening). = Tiele 559; Cat. NHSM I, p.308.

Muller, S. De reizen der Nederlanders naar de Noordpool. Haarlem, Kruseman and T. Willink, 1877, 24p., 6 woodcut plates, contemp. wr.

- Contents fine; wrappers frayed; covers loosening (strengthened w. paper tape).

€ (50-70) 60
80 2749 Antiphonarium Romanum Officio Vesperarum accommodatum Antiphoonen en Vesperen Voor alle tyden des Jaars 80 2749 Antiphonarium Romanum Officio Vesperarum accommodatum Antiphoonen en Vesperen Voor alle tyden des Jaars
80 2749 Antiphonarium Romanum Officio Vesperarum accommodatum Antiphoonen en Vesperen Voor alle tyden des Jaars 80 2749 Antiphonarium Romanum Officio Vesperarum accommodatum Antiphoonen en Vesperen Voor alle tyden des Jaars
80 2749 Antiphonarium Romanum Officio Vesperarum accommodatum Antiphoonen en Vesperen Voor alle tyden des Jaars 80 2749 Antiphonarium Romanum Officio Vesperarum accommodatum Antiphoonen en Vesperen Voor alle tyden des Jaars
80/2749 Antiphonarium Romanum, Officio Vesperarum accommodatum. Antiphoonen en Vesperen, Voor alle tyden des Jaars. Amst., T. Crajenschot, 1754, new enl. ed., (2),XVI,569[=605],(7)p., engr. frontisp., title-vignette, 12 plates, textill., woodcut scores, dec. endpapers, modern hcl., sm. 8vo. Missen en gezangen. Utr., B.J. Schelling, 1803, (4)textp., 48 lvs. w. engr. scores, contemp. plain hcl.

- Fine copy. = Cf. Scheurleer, Ned. liedboeken p.107.

€ (50-70) 50
80 2750 Antonides vander Goes J 80 2750 Antonides vander Goes J
80 2750 Antonides vander Goes J 80 2750 Antonides vander Goes J
80/2750 Antonides vander Goes, J. Alle de gedichten. Amst., N. ten Hoorn, 1714, 4 parts in 1 vol., 3rd ed., (50),46; (30),138,(6); 336; (6),78,(4)p., 3 engr. title-vignettes and 1 armorial vignette, 1 portrait after L. BAKHUIZEN, 5 etched plates by R. DE HOOGHE, contemp. vellum, 4to.

- Lacks the fold. plate; occas. sl. foxed; a few scattered stains. Vellum sl. soiled.

= Landwehr, R.d.H. as book illustrator 9.

Vos, J. Alle de Gedichten. Amst., J. Lescaille, 1662/ 1671, 1st ed., 2 parts in 1 vol., (14),844; (24),244p., woodcut printer's mark, engr. coat of arms, contemp. gilt hcalf w. red mor. letterpiece.

- Lacks the portrait; later annot. in pen on verso first blank; bookplate and owner's entry on upper endpaper and first blank. Binding worn.

= First edition of the collected poetry, containing occasional poetry, plays, epigrams, and laudatory poems.

AND an incomplete copy of C. HUYGENS, Koren-bloemen, Nederlandsche Gedichten (...) in XIX Boecken (The Hague, 1658, 1st ed., engr. frontisp., portrait by C. DE VISSCHER after C. HUYGENS, contemp. vellum, 4to. Lacks the plan of Hofwijck; backstrip dam.).

- The lot sold w.a.f.

€ (70-90) 110
80 2751 Arabia  Niebuhr C 80 2751 Arabia Niebuhr C
80/2751 [Arabia]. Niebuhr, C. Beschryving van Arabie, uit eigene waarnemingen en in 't land zelf verzamelde narigten. Uit het hoogduits vertaald, en Vermeerderd met een volledig register van 't geheele werk. Amst./ Utr., S.J. Baalde/ J. van Schoonhoven & comp., 1774, (4),XXXXI,(1),408,(14)p., engr. title-p. w. vign., 7 maps (5 fold., 1 partly handcol.), 18 plates (3 fold., 3 partly handcol.), 1 fold. table, contemp. mottled calf w. gilt spine and red mor. letterpiece, 4to.

- One plate w. sm. tear at inner margin of image. Frontcover and first 4 lvs. sl. wormholed in lower inner corner; backcover trifle rubbed.

= Tiele 795; Howgego N24; cf. Graesse IV, 674; Cox I, 237; Aboussouan 682-683 and Lipperheide Lc6. Carsten Niebuhr (1733-1815) travelled extensively in Arabia, Persia, Palestine and Asia Minor. By his descriptions and maps and the richness of his observations the pioneer of a more profound knowledge of the Orient. Henze III, p.610: "Als erste literarische Hauptfrucht der langen Reise veröffentlichte er in 1772 die Beschreibung von Arabien, ein Werk klassischen Gepräges, das mehr Stoff darbrachte als alle früheren europäischen Werke zusammengenommen; hinzu kam, daß es großenteils auf Autopsie basierte. N. hielt sich fern von jeder Kompilation nach anderen Autoren und trug nur vor, was er selbst beobachtet und gesammelt hatte". "His accounts are probably the best and most authentic of their day" (Cox). On Niebuhr see also Europa und die Orient, cat. 1/190.

€ (300-500) 325
80 2752 Architecture  Bosboom S 80 2752 Architecture Bosboom S
80/2752 [Architecture]. Bosboom, S. Cort Onderwys van de Vyf Colomen (...) uyt den scherpsinnigen Vincent Schamozzy getrocken en in Minuten gestelt seer gemacklick voor de Jonge Leerlingen en dienstich voor alle Ionge Liefhebbers der Bouw-Const. Amst., J. Loots, n.d. (±1700), engr. title, 45 plates (1 fold.) and 7 half-p. ills., accomp. textleaves, contemp. vellum, sm. folio.

- Trifle foxed. Vellum stained. = Cf. Bierens de Haan 511/ 512 and Fowler 54 (other eds.).

€ (150-250)
80 2753 Architecture  Fournier G 80 2753 Architecture Fournier G
80 2753 Architecture  Fournier G 80 2753 Architecture Fournier G
80/2753 [Architecture]. Fournier, G. Tractaet van fortificatie, of Vesting-bou: Genomen van de beroemste Steden en Sterckten onses tijdts (...). Amst., J. de Zetter, n.d. (1668), (18),126,(6)p., 107 engr. plates of castles, forts and details of fortifications, 1 fold. table (of 3), contemp. overlapping vellum, 12mo.

- Lacks first free endpaper, engr. title and 2 fold. tables; title-p. trifle dam. in upper left corner; small hole in 1 textleaf and in upper blank margin of one plate; occas. cut sl. short in outer margin (affecting caption).


€ (200-300)
80 2754 Architecture  Palladio A 80 2754 Architecture Palladio A
80 2754 Architecture  Palladio A 80 2754 Architecture Palladio A
80 2754 Architecture  Palladio A 80 2754 Architecture Palladio A
80 2754 Architecture  Palladio A 80 2754 Architecture Palladio A
80/2754 [Architecture]. Palladio, A. Architecture de Palladio, divisée en quatre livres (...). French transl. by N. de Bois. The Hague, P. Gosse, 1726, 2 parts (of 4) in 1 vol., (8),67,(1 blank); (2),71-115p., engr. frontisp., portrait, 92 plates, 12 text ills., contemp. calf w. richly gilt spine, folio.

- Sl. yellowed. Binding rubbed along extremities.

€ (250-350) 375
80 2755 Architecture  Pozzo A 80 2755 Architecture Pozzo A
80 2755 Architecture  Pozzo A 80 2755 Architecture Pozzo A
80 2755 Architecture  Pozzo A 80 2755 Architecture Pozzo A
80 2755 Architecture  Pozzo A 80 2755 Architecture Pozzo A
80/2755 [Architecture]. Pozzo, A. Perspectivae Pictorum atque Architectorum. II Pars, Qua porro expeditissima Methodus omnia, quae ad architecturam pertinent (...). Augsb., J. Wolff, 1711, 1 vol. (of 2), (3),(10)p., engr. frontisp., 120 full-p. architectural plates w. accomp. textleaves, modern limp boards, folio.

- Lacks vol.1; first ±20 lvs. (incl. frontisp. and title) w. brown stain/ occas. w. restored paper in lower outer corner; 2 plates lack sm. part; occas. trifle foxed.

= Fowler 253 and Kat. Orn. Berlin 4726 (both Augsb. edition 1708-1711); cf. The Mark J. Millard Architectural Collection 103. In teaching perspective, Pozzo used examples of details from his own buildings including unexecuted projects. His ability to synthesize seemingly incompatible sources influenced the next generation of Italian architects. "(...) the crowning glory of the baroque art of illusion, of negating the distinction between the real and the imaginary or theatrical - the world of frescoes and quadratura painting, and of scenography, arts in which Pozzo excelled" (auction cat. Library of the late M.F.d.C., 1995, no. 253).

€ (150-250) 190
80 2756 Architecture  Vingboons P 80 2756 Architecture Vingboons P
80 2756 Architecture  Vingboons P 80 2756 Architecture Vingboons P
80/2756 [Architecture]. Vingboons, P. Gronden en afbeeldsels der voornaamste gebouwen, van alle die Philips Vingboons geordineert heeft. Amst., C. de Jonge, 1665, (4),6p., large engr. title-vignette, 62 (double-p.) etched plates, 19th cent. hvellum w. ties, folio.

- Occas. sl. foxed; occas. vaguely waterstained (sometimes affecting the image); a few plates bound in the wrong order. Bound sl. tightly.

= Kuyper, p.221-224; Fuhring 4969-5030 ("The edition is identical to that of Clemendt de Jonge of 1665"); cf. Kat. Orn. Berlin 2228 (ed. 1688). The second edition (first by Blaeu in 1648) published by Clemendt de Jonge in 1665. "It was natural that Philips' designs should be republished in the years when - on account of the demand from England - Dutch architectural books enjoyed such a boom. His work appeared in 1665, produced by Clemendt de Jonghe, in the Kalverstraat, Amsterdam, an edition which surprisingly has been overlooked by most historians of Dutch architecture. But as an edition it has other unusual features: the different publisher, a complete resetting of the (unchanged) text and a re-engraving of the plates, which appear with Philips' name but not the engraver's." (Kuyper). "Kuyper was the first to note that Clemendt de Jonge had published copies of the original plates however they are etchings and not engravings" (Fuhring). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXVIII.

€ (500-700) 1300
80/2757 Aristoteles  Commentarii Collegii Conimbricensis Societatis lesu 80/2757 Aristoteles Commentarii Collegii Conimbricensis Societatis lesu
80/2757 Aristoteles  Commentarii Collegii Conimbricensis Societatis lesu 80/2757 Aristoteles Commentarii Collegii Conimbricensis Societatis lesu
80/2757 [Aristoteles]. Commentarii Collegii Conimbricensis Societatis lesu. Lyon, J. Pillehotte/ J. Cardon and P. Cavellat, 1616-1627, 5 parts in 1 vol., parallel Greek and Latin text, contemp. calf w. gilt spine.

- Upper hinge weak; first work w. contemp. owner's entry on title; partly sl. dampst. in upper outer blank margin. Corners and spine-ends crudely restored/ strengthened w. leather; top of spine worn.

= Contains the following works: 1. Commentarii (...) in tres libros de anima, Aristotelis Stagiritae (1627); 2. (...) in quatuor libros de Coelo, Meteorologicos, Parva Naturalia, & Ethica Aristotelis Stagiritae (1616); 3. (...) in libros meteorum Aristotelis Stagiritae (1616); 4. (...) in libros Aristotelis, qui parva naturalia apellantur (1616); 5. In libros ethicorum Aristotelis ad Nicomachum aliquot Conimbricensis cursus disputationes (1616).

€ (120-150)
80 2758 Arnhem  Hasselt G van 80 2758 Arnhem Hasselt G van
80/2758 [Arnhem]. (Hasselt, G. van). Kronijk van Arnhem. Arnhem, W. Troost en Zoon, 1790, (2),312p., orig. publ. boards.

- Boards worn. Otherwise fine. = Van Herwijnen 814. Scarce.

€ (70-90)
80 2759 Arnold G 80 2759 Arnold G
80/2759 Arnold, G. Historie der kerken en ketteren. Amst., S. Petzold, 1701, 3 parts in 2 vols., (34),LXXII,858,(28); (8),768; 235,(1 blank),(20)p., etched frontisp., 2 ident. title-vignettes, fold. portrait of Frederick of Prussia by G. BELLOU and 29 portraits by ROMEYN DE HOOGHE, contemp. unif. blindst. vellum, folio.

- New endpapers. Vellum sl. soiled. Contents fine.

= Landwehr, Romeyn de Hooghe as book illustrator 93 (1 portrait less); Van Someren I, p.242. Fine portraits of i.a. Menno Simons, David Joris, Martinus Luther, Theodorus Sutor and Paracelsus. A third volume was published in 1729.

€ (150-250) 150
80 2760 Artists' manuals  Alphen H van 80 2760 Artists' manuals Alphen H van
80 2760 Artists' manuals  Alphen H van 80 2760 Artists' manuals Alphen H van
80/2760 [Artists' manuals]. Alphen, H. van. Theorie der schoone kunsten en wetenschappen, grootendeels overgenomen uit het Hoogduitsch van F.J. Riedel, en met bijvoegselen, aanteekeningen, en eene inleiding vermeerderd. Utr., G.T. van Paddenburg a.o., 1778/ 1780, 2 vols., (4),XCVI,384; (2),LXVI,311,(3)p., later unif. giltlettered hcl.

- Vol. 2 partly sl. stained in top blank margin. Bindings trifle rubbed at extremities. A good/ fine copy.

= Kunst op Schrift, no.960 and 1010; cf. Buijnsters, Hieronymus van Alphen, p.113 ff. Rare.

€ (100-150)
80 2761 Artists' manuals  Bloemaert A 80 2761 Artists' manuals Bloemaert A
80 2761 Artists' manuals  Bloemaert A 80 2761 Artists' manuals Bloemaert A
80/2761 [Artists' manuals]. Bloemaert, A. Groot teekenboek, ten dienste van leerlingen en meesters aan schoolen en akademiën van teeken- en schilderkunst, en ook tot bijzonder onderwijs. Amst., W. van Vliet, 1820, IV textp., 122 (of 130) engr. plates, contemp, hcalf, 4to.

- Lacks 8 plates (no. 117 and 119 and 125-130); two plates w. pink inkstain; plates 36-50 and plate 61-63 w. (receding) brownish stain in inner margin (affecting image, especially of 118); plates 107-112 w. receding brown stain in upper right corner of engraving, final few plates loosening; some plates fingersoiled in lower and outer blank margin. Binding sl. worn along extremities.

= Not in Kunst op schrift. Rare.

€ (250-350) 250
80 2762 Artists' manuals  Bosse A 80 2762 Artists' manuals Bosse A
80 2762 Artists' manuals  Bosse A 80 2762 Artists' manuals Bosse A
80/2762 [Artists' manuals]. Bosse, A. De la Manière de graver a l'eau forte et au burin. Et de la gravûre en manière noire. Avec la Façon de construire les Presses modernes & d'imprimer en Taille-douce. Paris, C.-A. Jombert, 1745, 3rd ed., XXXII,186,(6)p., engr. frontisp., dedication, 4 vignettes and 19 fold. plates, contemp. calf.

- Partly waterst. (mostly blank margins, incl. some of the plates). Joints, spine-ends and corners worn; spine darkened.

= Cohen/ De Ricci p.177; Bigmore/ Wyman p.72: "(...) a work notable for its completeness for the time of its production, and for its plates, which have been reproduced by most subsequent writers on art". This third edition augmented by the French engraver Cochin. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXIX.

€ (300-500)
80 2763 Artists' manuals  Callot J 80 2763 Artists' manuals Callot J
80 2763 Artists' manuals  Callot J 80 2763 Artists' manuals Callot J
80/2763 [Artists' manuals]. Callot, J. Afbeeldingen van den bedelstand, bij de kunstliefhebbers bekend onder de naam De bedelaars van Jacome Callot, door hemzelven geteekend; en in het koper gebragt in XXIV. platen, tot studiën voor teekenaren. Amst., W. van Vliet, 1820, 24 engr. plates after J. CALLOT, orig. printed wr.

= Rare.

€ (300-500) 325
80 2764 Artists' manuals  Dolce L 80 2764 Artists' manuals Dolce L
80/2764 [Artists' manuals]. Dolce, L. Dialogo della pittura, intitolato l'Aretino. Venice, G. Giolito de' Ferrari, 1557, 1st ed., 60 lvs., woodcut printer's mark on title-p., 20th cent. limp vellum, sm. 8vo.

- Waterstained (partly only vaguely) almost throughout in upper half; a few restored spots and tiny tears.

= Prob. 17th cent. owner's entry in pen and ink at the end of the dedication (A4): "Liber di me, Camillo Zanini". Important work on art theory. "L'Aretino (1557), Dolce's main work on art, has been said to have been a riposte to Vasari's Lives of the Artists, whose first edition of 1550 did not even include Titian, which Vasari rectified in the second edition of 1568. (...) It takes the form of a dialogue in three parts between Pietro Aretino, representing the Venetian point of view, and the Florentine humanist Giovanni Francesco Fabrini. Beginning with a discussion of the principles of art, the dialogue moves on to a paragone or comparison between Raphael and Michelangelo, and to discuss a number of other contemporary painters, and then ends with a biography and appreciation of Titian." (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lodovico_Dolce). Arntzen/ Rainwater H39: "A dialogue on painting and notes on painters written by a member of the Venetian circle of Aretino, Titian, and Sansovino." Adams D730; Cicognara 111. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXIX.

BOUND WITH: Doni, A.F. La Fortuna di Cesare. Ibid., idem, 1550, (7),(1 blank),40 lvs., woodcut printer's mark on title-p. and on recto of final textleaf.

- Preliminary leaves and first 25 lvs (mostly sl.) waterstained in upper half. = Adams D815.

€ (1.500-2.500) 1600