- Lacks 1 plate; engr. title to the 2nd part bound in vol. 8. Rebacked w. use of orig. (sunned/ faded) backstrip.
- Occas. foxed.
- All vols. sl. foxed; bookplate on upper pastedown. Vol. 7 lower joint split.
- Trifle rubbed along extremities.
- Fine set.
- Lower hinge weak; gluestains on pastedowns; the plates sl. foxed. Backstrip discoloured.
= This edition not in Schmitt. Possibly supplemented with views from other works/ editions.
- Some usual foxing. Attractively bound copy.
- Lacks at least 7 leaves and possibly some plates. Sold w.a.f.
= Rare edition. Cf. Lowndes p.101.
- Contents loose; text part sl. foxed.
- Without the 2nd part ("Force Naval") and the atlas vol. Bindings w. some worn spots.
- Without vols. 13 and 14; sl. foxed; some scattered stamps/ annots. and owner's entries. Bindings sl. rubbed.
- Sl. foxed. Rebacked.
ADDED: an incomplete copy of H. GASTINEAU, Wales Illustrated (London, (1830), steelengr. views, modern gilt hleather, 4to).
- All vols. w. bookplate on upper pastedown. Bindings worn along extremities.
- One quire in vol. 2 misbound.
= 1. E. BASCHET, Russia 1904-1924. The Revolutionary Years; 2. IDEM, Africa 1900. A Continent Emerges; 3. H. SUYIN, China 1890-1938. From the Warlords to World War; 4. J. BENOIST-MÉCHIN, Turkey 1908-1938. The end of the Ottoman Empire.
- A few (col.) pencil markings in text; occas. waterst. Both vols. bookblock sl. warped; wrappers sl. worn.
= The first edition was published in 1808. Tiele 434, note; cat. NHSM I, p.243. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLIII.
- Dustwr. sl. stained on inside, otherwise fine. = Rare.
- Owner's entry on first blank. = Brill's Indological library, volume 5.
Jaideva Singh, T. Indian music. Ed. P. Lata Sharma. Calcutta, Sangeet Research Academy, 1995, XLIV, 536p., orig. cl. w. dustwr.
- Dustwr. top of spine sl. dam. and backstrip discol. = Sangeet-Paridarshini Series 2.
AND 4 others similar, i.a. J. BOR (ed.), Hindustani music. Thirteenth to Twentieth Centuries (Rott./ New Delhi, 2010, ills., orig. giltlettered boards w. dustwr., 4to (fine)) and L. PESCH, The Illustrated Companion to South Indian Classical Music (Delhi etc., 1999, (plates w. col.) ills., orig. (sl. dam.) dec. boards w. dustwr.).
- Backstrip sl. discol.; dustwr. sl. dam. = Rare.
Gaston, A.-M. Œiva in Dance, Myth and Iconography. Ibid., Oxford University Press, 1985, 2nd ed., XV, (1),242p., num. ills., orig. giltlettered cl. w. dustwr., 4to.
- Owner's entry on first blank. Sl. foxed on edges; dustwr. trifle rubbed.
AND 4 others similar, all richly illustrated, i.a. CLASSICAL AND FOLK DANCES OF INDIA (Bombay, 1963, ills., orig. cl., folio (sl. browned)) and M.L. VARADPANDE, Ancient Indian and Indo-Greek theatre (New Delhi, 1981, orig. cl. w. dustwr.).