- A fine, complete run.
= Contains contributions by i.a. Jorgen Andersen, Flemming Bersoe, Ejler Bille, Henry Heerup, Egil Jacobsen and Harald Leth. The front- and backwr. of each issue are original (col.) prints (mainly woodcuts) by i.a. Else Alfelt, Mogens Andersen, Povl Christensen, Willima Fredericia, Henry Heerup, Carl Kylberg, Richard Mortensen, Vera Myhte, Hans Ollgaard, Jens Sondergaat and Sigurd Vasegaard. Published more or less simultaneously with the periodical Helhesten by Asger Jorn, it i.a. reflects the contemporray developments in Danish art with the rise of Cobra.
= From the library of artdealer A. Vecht.
- Mostly w. blindst. ex-libris.
- Contents fine. Lower end of upper joint trifle worn; lower edge of portfolio stained.
- Without the 3rd vol.; both vols. without htitle; bookplates on upper pastedown; a few lvs. sl. foxed/ (dust)soiled.
= Scarce work. Sculptured portraits and on coins of ancient Greek men.
- Wrappers sl. worn along extremities; closed tear in frontwr.
= Nicely illustrated magazine on modern architecture, partly also devoted to photography, photomontage and posters.
- Ticket on upper pastedown. Backwr. sl. soiled/ yellowed; sm. section torn away at top of spine.
Winkler, R. Das Haus des Architekten. Architects' Homes. La Maison de l'Architecte. Zurich, Girsberger, 1955, 223,(1)p., num. ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to.
- Dustwr. worn/ dam. along extremities. Contents fine.
AND 6 others, i.a. C. KANDZIA, Architekten Behnisch & Partner. Arbeiten aus den Jahren 1952-1987 (Stuttg., 1987, num. ills., parallel text in German and Italian, orig. wr., obl. 8vo).
- Second title-p. foxed. Lacks a few ties of frontcovers.
AND 1 other: C. SUTTER, Thurmbuch (Berlin, 1895, num. ills., orig. pict. hcl., folio).
- Spine dam./ splitting.
- Owner's entry on first free endpaper; sl. yellowed along edges. Wr. sl. frayed.
= "Beiträge zur Interpretation und Dokumentation der Baukunst" no.6.
AND 7 others, mostly on urban architecture and city planning, i.a. F. GIBBERD, Town Design (London, 1967, 5th rev. and enl. ed., num. ills., orig. cl. w. (sl. worn/ dam.) dustwr., 4to. Owner's entry on first free endpaper). - ADDED: W. NIJENHUIS and W. VAN WINDEN, De diabolische snelweg (Rott., 2007, num. ills., orig. boards, 4to. Fine).
- Occas. flimsies sl. foxed (w. offsetting on plates). Otherwise contents (very) fine. Spines sunned and sl. dam.; lacks most ties.
- Some sm. imperfections; frame dam.
= Skilful contemp. wooden inlay mosaic showing the Townhall designed by Dudok that was completed in 1931 and considered the finest example of Dudok's work.
- Dustwr. chipped at spine-ends. Contents fine.
Itoh, T. and Futagawa, Y. Architecture Japonaise. Espaces, Formes et Materiaux. Fribourg/ Tokyo, Office du Livre/ Bijutsu Shuppan-Sha, 1963, 202,(3)p., 128 (full-p./ double-p.) phot. plates, orig. blindst. cl. w. dustwr., large 4to.
- Dustwr. soiled/ dam. along extremities.
AND one other: K. KUROKAWA (London, exhib. cat. Heinz Gallery, 1981).
- Three vols. w. owner's stamp on verso wr./ first p.
- Yellowed along edges. Dustwr. sl. soiled/ dam. at spine-ends.
McCoy, E. Vienna to Los Angeles: Two journeys. Santa Monica, Arts + Architectura Press, 1979, 155p., ills., orig. cl., sq. 8vo. Hitchcock, H.R. (introd.), Architektur von Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, 1950-1962. Teufen, A. Niggli, 1962, 231,(1)p., num. ills., English and German language, orig. blindst. cl. w. dustwr., 4to.
- Yellowed along edges. Dustwr. sl. soiled.
Drexler, A. (introd.), Architecture of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, 1963-1973. English and German language. London, The Architectural Press, 1974, 283p., num. ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to.
- Yellowed along edges. Dustwr. frayed/ torn at top of spine.
AND 3 others, i.a. F. DUFFY, C. CAVE and J. WORTHINGTON (ed.), Planning office space (Londen/ New York, 1977, ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to).
- Dustwr. sl. worn/ dam. along extremities. Contents fine.
Crowe, S. and Miller, Z. (ed.). Shaping Tomorrow's Landscape. The Landscape Architect's Role in Conservation/ The Landscape Architect's Role in the Changing Landscape. Amst., Djambatan, 1964, 2 vols., (2),79,(1); (2),131,(1)p., 143 (full-p.) photogr. plates, ills., orig. unif. boards w. dustwr., 4to.
- Plates sl. yellowed. Vol.2 tear in backwr., repaired w. scotch tape.
AND 3 others, i.a. W. REH, C. STEENBERGEN and D. ATEN, De droogmakerij als atlas van de Hollandse landschapsarchitectuur (Wormer, 2005, ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to).