5278 - 5354 FINE ARTS - OPTICAL VIEWS and related prints and objects
- Browned in margins; margins trimmed short.
= An 18th century copy in reverse of the optical view by T. Bowles (after P. van Ryne), published by Laurie & Whittle
- Trifle creased; left and lower margins sl. speckled. = Sixt v. Kapff K189.
- Captions cut off and mounted on verso mount.
= "De Hel", "Het Bosch", "De Italiaansche Straat", "De Klooster Kerk", "Zonnehof", "De Behangen Kamer" and "De Berg van Parnas". Nice views of seven of the standard stage designs of the Amsterdam City Theatre. These views are part of a series of 14 views made on occasion of the centenary of the building, which was built in 1638 on the Keizersgracht after a design by Jacob van Campen and which would burn down in 1772.
"Afbeelding van de Schouwplaats, gedurende den Brand van den Schouwburg te Amsterdam; den 11 den May, 1772." Contemp. handcol. engr. view in optica style by C. BOGERTS after P. BARBIERS, Amst., T. Crajenschot, 1772.
- Waterst. in right blank and lower blank margin. = F.M. 4252.
- With modern stamp "59" in lower text margin; sl. soiled. = Sixt v. Kapff K 3 and K4.
ADDED: "La Grande Procession de Florence, le jour de la Fête de Dieu". Contemp. handcol. engr. optical view, engr. captions in French, Paris, Daumont, ±1770.
- With modern stamp "49" in lower text margin; a few creases; ms. caption in Dutch below.
= Nice view showing the Duomo and the baptistry.
- Margins soiled (stained) and sl. creased; lower margin cut to the platemark; mounted on contemp. stiff paper w. 18th cent. Dutch manuscript caption on verso.
AND 3 others from the same series of Augsburg fountains by Leizelt, all in similar condition (some margins frayed): "Prospect des Herkules Brunnen in Augsburg (...)", "Prospect des Kayser Augustus Brunnen (...)" and "Prospect des Hans Felbers Brunnen in Augsburg (...)" (brown stain in lower right corner, just touching the image).
- Fine copy w. bright colours. = Sixt v. Kapff K384. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCVIII.
- Soiled and frayed in margins; mounted on contemp. stiff paper and w. 18th century Dutch manuscript caption on verso.
= Feith 78e.
AND 3 others from the same series, in a similar condition: "Prospect des Rathhausses in Batavia wie dasselbige auf dem groszen Plaz nebst der umliegende Gegend von fornen anzusehen" (Feith 78b); "Die Innere Aufsicht des Castells in Batavia nebst der Schloss Kirche. Vuë interieure du Pallais de Batavie avec l'Eglise du Chateau." (Feith 78c) and "Prospect von der Bastion Gelderland ausserhalb der Stadt Batavia (...) gegen die aussen portugiesische Kirche und dem blauen Berg zu, gezeichnet worden von Iohann Wolffgang Heyd" (Feith 78f).
- Professionally restored, most notably in the upper margin; doubled; fingersoiled.
- Margins frayed. = Two scenes from the story of Joseph. Sixt von Kapff. K 327 and K 334.
AND 5 other optical views, Dutch and foreign topography, all poor copies.
- Soiled margins (but image mostly fine); edges sl. frayed; lower margin cut to the platemark; laid down on stiff contemp. paper.
= Complete series. Sixt von Kapff K321-324.
- Soiled margins (but image fine); lower margin cut to the platemark; laid down on stiff contemp. paper w. Dutch 18th cent. manuscript caption on verso.
= Together these two optical views form one of two panoramic views of the harbour of Bordeaux as painted by Joseph Verne by royal request.
- Soiled margins (but image mostly fine, "erster theil" w. small waterstains in the sky); laid down on stiff contemp. paper w. Dutch 18th cent. manuscript caption on verso.
= Together these two optical views form the panoramic view of the harbour of Bordeaux as painted by Joseph Vernet.
= Sixt v. Kapff K34.
ADDED: 6 contemp. handcol. optical views (other publishers), all w. captions cut off or blackened margins/ dustsoiled/ mounted.
= Comprises i.a. "L'Entrée du Temple du Soleil dans Palmire du côté de l'Orient"; "Les Murailles de Babylone" and "Prospectus comeatus Marselliensis".
- Margins soiled; lower margin cut to the platemark; upper edge sl. frayed; mounted on contemp. stiff paper w. 18th cent. Dutch manuscript caption on verso.
AND 3 others from the same series of Bremen, all in similar condition: "Prospect in Bremen beij der Allee von der Alt- und Neustadt die Weser hinunter", "Prospect in Bremen beij der grossen Brücke die Wesser hinauf", "Prospect beij der Allée von der Alt- und Neustadt die Weser hinauf".
- Modern stamp "27" repeated 3 times.
ADDED: "Die Hauptstätterstrase in Stuttgardt". Contemp. handcol. engr. optical view, German caption, Augsburg, Akademischen Kunsthandlung, ±1770.
- Margins soiled and sl. frayed; lower margin cut to the platemark; mounted on contemp. stiff paper w. 18th cent. Dutch manuscript caption on verso.
AND 3 others from the same series of Cadiz, all in similar/ sl. worse condition: "Prospect von dem Seehaven zu Cadix gegen Aufgang", "Prospect des Rath-hausses zu Cadix (...)" and "Prospect der Königlichen Börse an dem Haupt Canal du Cadix (...)". - AND a contemp. handcol. optical view of Toledo, publ. by Remondini: "Vue de l'Eglise cathedrale de Tolede".
- Margins (sl.) frayed; soiled and browned in margins; mounted on contemp. stiff paper and w. 18th century Dutch manuscript caption on verso.
- Trifle foxed; some rubbed spots in left margin.
ADDED: "Vuë du Vieux Caire, et d'une Pyramide a perte de vuë" (engr. view from F.L. NORDEN, Voyage d'Egypte et de Nubie (1755)).
- Vague stain in left margin; blank margins sl. soiled; contemp. annot. in Dutch in upper margin. = Rare view.
AND 3 miscell. other optical views, all duststained in margins, i.a. "Theatre des anciens Romain" (Paris, Huquier, ±1770).