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76 1379 Allix S 76 1379 Allix S
76 1379 Allix S 76 1379 Allix S
76 1379 Allix S 76 1379 Allix S
76/1379 Allix, S. The Beach. A short story. London, Susan Allix, 1989, (23) lvs., 12 full-p. ills. in etching, lino-cut, woodcut, pen and ink and watercolour by S. ALLIX, printed in 18 numb. and signed copies, cloth covers w. morocco spine w. paper inlay, bound by the artist, obl. 4to, kept in orig. cloth beach bag.

- The bag sl. stained.

€ (400-600) 425
76 1380 Allix S  Omar Khayyam 76 1380 Allix S Omar Khayyam
76 1380 Allix S  Omar Khayyam 76 1380 Allix S Omar Khayyam
76 1380 Allix S  Omar Khayyam 76 1380 Allix S Omar Khayyam
76/1380 [Allix, S.]. Omar Khayyam. Rubaiyat. Engl. transl. by E. Fitzgerald. London, Susan Allix, 1973, (45) lvs. for the larger part uncut, 27 relief col. aquatint and etchings by S. ALLIX, typography by L.R. ROUSE, printed in 75 signed and numb. copies (25).

= One of 25 copies in original red goatskin by Susan Allix, upper cover with gilt lattice-work design containing small stars, spine giltlettered, orig. cl. slipcase. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LIV.

€ (1.200-1.500) 1900
76 1381 Appel K  Andreus H 76 1381 Appel K Andreus H
76/1381 [Appel, K.]. Andreus, H. De ronde kant van de aarde. Paris, privately printed, 1952, (12)p., 7 ills. (5x full-p.) and orig. wr. by KAREL APPEL, printed in 100 numb. copies, loose as issued.

- Trifle foxed/ stained. Wrapper split along spine and restored w. scotch tape.


€ (500-700)
76 1382 Arethusa Pers  Paustovskij K 76 1382 Arethusa Pers Paustovskij K
76/1382 [Arethusa Pers]. Paustovskij, K. Tsjechov. Baarn, Arethusa Pers, 1992, (2),8,(2)p., col. etched portrait by D. BEKKER, printed in 60 numb. copies, orig. cl. Vervoorn, A.J. Bertils Koningin van de Nacht. Ibid., idem, 1988, (11)p., etching by BERTIL, printed in 60 numb. copies, orig. cl., large 4to. Coljée, J. Dr. Jelle Zijlstra en het randschrift van de gulden. Ibid., idem, 1983, 2 etchings by L. STRIK, printed in 60 numb. copies (30), orig. rexine w. mounted coin of 1 Dutch guilder.

= One of 30 copies with the extra etching by L. STRIK.

AND 22 other works, published by the same, i.a. K. PAUSTOVSKIJ, Sneeuw (1996, etching by A. SPRONK, printed om 100 copies. One of 40 copies in cloth) and FRANCISCUS VAN ASSISI, Zonnelied (1994, handcol. etching by KMIELIAUSKAS, printed in 50 numb. copies. One of 30 copies in cloth w. an extra etching by the same artist).

€ (150-250) 300
76 1383 Atalanta Pers  Nooteboom C 76 1383 Atalanta Pers Nooteboom C
76/1383 [Atalanta Pers]. Nooteboom, C. Zo kon het zijn. Baarn, Atlanta Pers, 1998, 44,(5)p., printed in 100 numb. copies (90), orig. wr.

= SIGNED by the author.

Vroman, L. Aanvullingen. Ibid., idem, 1997, (13)p., printed in 86 copies (80), orig. wr. Jansma, E. Hebben. Ibid., idem, 1999, (19)p., printed in 90 copies (80), orig. wr. - AND 5 others, published by the same. - AND 11 others, i.a. H. MULISCH, De Grens (Amst., 1976, printed in 250 numb. copies, orig. cl. w. dustwr. SIGNED by the author on colophon).

€ (150-250) 300
76/1384 Bauer M A J  Histoire d'Aboulhassan Ali Ebn Becar et de Schemselnihar favorite du calife Haroun Al Raschid Conte tiré des Mille et une nuits d'après la traduction de Galland 76/1384 Bauer M A J Histoire d'Aboulhassan Ali Ebn Becar et de Schemselnihar favorite du calife Haroun Al Raschid Conte tiré des Mille et une nuits d'après la traduction de Galland
76/1384 Bauer M A J  Histoire d'Aboulhassan Ali Ebn Becar et de Schemselnihar favorite du calife Haroun Al Raschid Conte tiré des Mille et une nuits d'après la traduction de Galland 76/1384 Bauer M A J Histoire d'Aboulhassan Ali Ebn Becar et de Schemselnihar favorite du calife Haroun Al Raschid Conte tiré des Mille et une nuits d'après la traduction de Galland
76/1384 [Bauer, M.A.J.]. Histoire d'Aboulhassan Ali Ebn Becar et de Schemselnihar, favorite du calife Haroun Al-Raschid. Conte tiré des Mille et une nuits d'après la traduction de Galland. Haarlem, Erven F. Bohn, 1929, 174,(2)p., large number of col. ills. by M.A.J. BAUER, printed by J. ENSCHEDÉ EN ZONEN on handmade Van Gelder in 275 numb. and SIGNED copies (217), orig. wr., orig. giltlettered slipcase, 4to.

- Spine and slipcase sl./ trifle worn. = With loosely added the "Bulletin de souscription".

€ (120-150) 120
76/1385 Bauer M A J  La Jeunesse inaltérable et la vie éternelle Conte populaire traduit littéralement du Roumain French transl W Ritter 76/1385 Bauer M A J La Jeunesse inaltérable et la vie éternelle Conte populaire traduit littéralement du Roumain French transl W Ritter
76/1385 [Bauer, M.A.J.]. La Jeunesse inaltérable et la vie éternelle. Conte populaire traduit littéralement du Roumain. French transl. W. Ritter. Amst., Scheltema & Holkema, 1897, 42,(2)p., 19 (full-p.) etched ills. by M.A.J. BAUER, 48 etched vignettes and yellow lithogr. endpapers by G.W. DIJSSELHOF, printed in 250 numb. copies on Japanese, bound as a blockbook, orig. giltlettered vellum, t.e.g., sm. 4to.

- Fine copy.

= Van Wisselingh 273-291, stating that only 180 copies were printed (p.18), or even only 150 copies (p.91). Braches 7; Braches (1st ed.) 980116 and p.292-293: "Deze versieringen [van Dijsselhof] zijn, omdat ze moesten komen naast etsen van Bauer, geëtst. Ze zijn als zodanig uniek in de geschiedenis der boekherleving."

€ (500-700) 600
76 1386 Bayros F von  Bierbaum O J 76 1386 Bayros F von Bierbaum O J
76 1386 Bayros F von  Bierbaum O J 76 1386 Bayros F von Bierbaum O J
76 1386 Bayros F von  Bierbaum O J 76 1386 Bayros F von Bierbaum O J
76 1386 Bayros F von  Bierbaum O J 76 1386 Bayros F von Bierbaum O J
76/1386 [Bayros, F. von]. Bierbaum, O.J. Das schoene Maedchen von Pao. Ein chinesischer Roman. Munich, Georg Müller, (1910), (8),210,(3)p., 7 plates by FRANZ VON BAYROS, printed by Joh. Enschedé en Zonen in 600 numb. copies, orig. richly gilt full morocco w. gilt inner dentelles and gilt dec. endpapers by Hübel & Denck (Leipsic), 4to.

- Untrimmed copy. Remnants of former bookplate on upper pastedown. Binding sl. rubbed.

= Hayn/ Got. IX, p.62.

€ (300-500) 300
76 1387 Bébert  Weemoedt L 76 1387 Bébert Weemoedt L
76/1387 [Bébert]. Weemoedt, L. De zachte stal. (Rott.), Bébert, (1984), 4 lvs. (htitle, title, 1 textleaf and colophon), 1 silkscreen by M. FELIUS, signed "Marleen Felius", "'84" and "106/115" in pencil, published in 115 numb. and signed copies (100), loose as issued in orig. wr.

= With the AUTOGRAPH text of the poem loosely inserted.

€ (40-60) 80
76 1388 Berners J 76 1388 Berners J
76 1388 Berners J 76 1388 Berners J
76 1388 Berners J 76 1388 Berners J
76/1388 Berners, J. The Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle. From the Book of St. Albans printed by Wynkyn de Worde at Westminster in the year Mcccclxxxxvi. Introd. W.L. Andrews. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1903, 2 parts in 1 vol., (4),XLV,(1); (4),L-LXXXVI,(2)p., woodengr. ills., printed in red and black in 160 numb. copies, orig. gilt vellum.

- Upper hinge splitting; p.19-26 misbound. Lacks ties.

WITH printing proof of 3 pages (title-p., p.III-IV (2x)) of the same.

Rushmore, A.W. Saint Francis and the Fierce Wolf of Gubbio, a tale taken from "The Little Flowers" of Saint Francis of Assisi. Madison, Golden Hind Press, 1931, (2),9,(1)p., woodengr. initial, printed in red and black in 50 numb. copies, orig. boards w. paper title-piece, sm. 8vo.

- Occas. sl. foxed; center hinge weak.

= Autograph dedication on first free endpaper: "For H.M. Tomkinson with the sincere regard of the Compositor and Printer. 1931". This copy signed by A.W. Rushmore and numb. "15".

€ (80-100) 80
76 1389 Bes P  Tentije H 76 1389 Bes P Tentije H
76/1389 [Bes, P.]. Tentije, H. Overzees. Bergen, Kunstenaarscentrum, 1989, letterpress title leaf, 7 text leaves and colophon leaf, 7 softground etchings by P. BES, printed in 65 numb. copies, loose as issued in orig. cl. box, folio.

- Sl. foxed in lower blank margin throughout.

€ (70-90) 70
76 1390 Bilibin I Afanasev A  76 1390 Bilibin I Afanasev A
76 1390 Bilibin I Afanasev A  76 1390 Bilibin I Afanasev A
76/1390 [Bilibin, I.]. (Afanasev, A.). Skazka ob Ivane-Tsarevitche, Zhar-ptitse i o serom volke (Fairy tale of Ivan-Tsarevitch, the Firebird and the Grey Wolf). St. Petersburg, (State Dispatch Office), 1901, 12p., chromolithogr. ills., bookdecoration and orig. chromolithogr. wr. by I. BILIBIN, folio.

- Inside wrappers and first/ final page sl./ trifle foxed; bookplate on verso frontwr. Backstrip strengthened w. paper. A fine copy.

= Lemmens/ Stommels p.27: "Between 1901 and 1903 seven fairy tales were published [by the State Dispatch Office] in six volumes of the same size and with an identical cover on paper of the best quality and with the most up-to-date chromolithographic technique, all illustrated by Bilibin." SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LIV.

€ (100-150) 375
76 1391 Bindings  Morand P 76 1391 Bindings Morand P
76 1391 Bindings  Morand P 76 1391 Bindings Morand P
76/1391 [Bindings]. Morand, P. Champions du monde. Paris, B. Grasset, 1930, 341,(2)p., bound in fill purple morocco by MARTIN JAEGLE for LEGATORIA ARTISTICA ASCONA with two double gilt fillet lines on both covers, simple gilt spine and gilt boardedges, simple gilt fillet line on turn-ins, t.e.g., with matching board slipcase, orig. wr. pres., 4to.

= "Pour mon plaisir" VI. One of 186 numb. copies on Vélin rives.

€ (100-150) 100
76 1392 Bindings  Seeley E L  76 1392 Bindings Seeley E L
76/1392 [Bindings]. (Seeley, E.L.). Border Lances. A Romance of the Northern Marches in the Reign of Edward the Third. London, Seeley & Co., 1886, VI,(6),272p., 12 col. lithogr. plates, bound by ALLMAN & SON (London), contemp. gilt red calf schoolprize binding ("Totnes Grammar School 1891").

- Binding sl. duststained; spine and backcover sm. imperfections; upper joint restored; corners rubbed/ sl. worn.

= With the prize (mounted on upper pastedown).

AND 6 miscellaneous works in 8 vols., all attractively bound, i.a. P.B. SHELLEY, Poetical works (London/ New York, n.d. (±1930), frontisp. portrait, contemp. gilt and blindst. green calf, a.e.g. Fine); J.L. MOTLEY, The Rise of the Dutch Republic: a History (London, 1869, 3 vols., contemp. unif. gilt hcalf w. 2 contrasting mor. letterpieces on spines. All vols. foxed at beginning and end; corners and joints sl. rubbed); H. VICARS, Memorials of Captain Hedley Vicars Ninety-Seventh Regiment (London, 1877, steelengr. frontisp. and title-p., contemp. gilt hcalf w. dark green mor. letterpiece. Frontisp. and title (sl.) foxed; joints and corners rubbed) and L. RITCHIE, Travelling Sketches on the Rhine, and in Belgium and Holland (London, 1833, steelengr. views, orig. gilt and blindst. red mor., a.e.g. Lacks 2 plates).

€ (60-80) 70
76 1393 Bindings  Thackeray W M 76 1393 Bindings Thackeray W M
76 1393 Bindings  Thackeray W M 76 1393 Bindings Thackeray W M
76/1393 [Bindings]. Thackeray, W.M. Works. London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1869-1886, 24 vols., num. woodengr. plates and ills., bound by MORRELL BINDER in beautiful contemp. unif. treecalf w. richly gilt spines w. 2 contrasting mor. letterpieces (orange and green), marbled endpapers in blue, burgundy and gold, t.e.g.

- A few frontispieces and title-p. sl./ trifle foxed (frontisp. and title-p. Vanity Fair most obviously so). Upper joint of vol. 2 starting; a few superficial scratches in covers of vol.1; one vol. top of spine sl. chipped.

= A fine set of the first edition of Thackeray's Works. From the library of Lord Cheylesmore (all vols. with his engr. bookplate). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LV.

€ (1.000-1.500) 1100
76 1394 Bindings Hatchards  Ninon de Lenclos 76 1394 Bindings Hatchards Ninon de Lenclos
76/1394 [Bindings. Hatchards]. Ninon de Lenclos. London, A.L. Humpheys, 1905, (2),310p., bound in full gilt panelled calf by "Hatchards 187 Piccadilly" (signed on inside backcover), both covers w. four inlay green mor. dots in the corners of the triple fillet line of the inner panel, double fillet line around both covers, 4 fillet lines around covers on turnins of pastedown, ribbed spine w. gilt compartments, a.e.g.

- Upper joint sl. weak/ splitting; top of spine chipped.

= "This Volume upon Ninon de Lenclos is translated and compiled from the most authentic French sources" (pref.). The text sometimes is attributed to Antoine Bret (1717-1792).

€ (50-70)
76 1395 Black Pennell Press  Rae T  ed  76 1395 Black Pennell Press Rae T ed
76 1395 Black Pennell Press  Rae T  ed  76 1395 Black Pennell Press Rae T ed
76/1395 [Black Pennell Press]. Rae, T. (ed.). Genuine Narratives and Consise Memoirs of some of the most interesting exploits and singular Adventures of John M'Alpine, a native Highlander, From the time of his Emigration from Scotland to America in 1773 (...). Greenock, Black Pennell Press, 1985, XIII,(1),82,(2)p., woodengr. ills. by K.M. LINDSEY, printed in 226 numb./ lettered copies (26), orig. gilt calf, t.e.g., orig. cl. slipcase.

= One of 26 lettered copies printed on Chester Light-toned, signed on the colophon by the editor and lettered "D", bound in full leather by A.W. LUMSDEN, and with an extra copy of the engravings on Japanese Hosho under passepartout, loosely inserted in rear pocket. Rare, no copies traced in

WITH the prospectus for the work, incl. a discarded leaf from the printing.

€ (100-150) 100
76/1396 De Blauwe Scheen  Bladspiegeling 76/1396 De Blauwe Scheen Bladspiegeling
76/1396 [De Blauwe Scheen]. Bladspiegeling. Banholt/ Woubrugge, De Blauwe Scheen, 1989, index booklet and 26 booklets by various private presses, printed in ±65-125 numb. copies (65), ills., all bound in (not unif.) orig. wr., together in fine cloth box with perspex mirror-slipcase by D. Simaleavich (Phoenix Bindery).

= Derde uitwisselingsproject. "In de tweede helft van augustus 1989 verschijnt de serie Bladspiegeling, het derde uitwisselingsproject van De Blauwe Scheen. De opdracht aan de deelnemers was een bloemlezing samen te stellen met een omvang van acht, of meer bladzijden tekst plus titelpagina en colofon, en deze te drukken in een oplage van vijfenzestig exemplaren. Elk boekje meet 22,5x14,5 cm. en heeft minstens twee katerns. Zesentwintig marginale drukkers hebben elk hun idee van een bloemlezing uitgewerkt. Aan de serie is een inhoudsopgave toegevoegd als zevenentwintigste boekje." (typescript prospectus). Contributions by i.a. Avalon Pers, In de Bonnefant, De Breukenpers, Linea Recta, Mercatorpers, De Oude Degel, Plim's Stoomdrukkerijen, De Priegelpers, Regulierenpers, Rosmarijnpers, De Veerpers and De Wisteria.

€ (200-300) 200
76/1397 De Blauwe Scheen  Bladspiegeling 76/1397 De Blauwe Scheen Bladspiegeling
76/1397 [De Blauwe Scheen]. Bladspiegeling. Banholt/ Woubrugge, De Blauwe Scheen, 1989, index booklet and 26 booklets by various private presses, printed in ±65-125 numb. copies (65), ills., all bound in (not unif.) orig. wr., together in fine cloth box with perspex mirror-slipcase by D. SIMALEAVICH (Phoenix Bindery).

- Box w. some sm. scratches.

= Derde uitwisselingsproject. "In de tweede helft van augustus 1989 verschijnt de serie Bladspiegeling, het derde uitwisselingsproject van De Blauwe Scheen. De opdracht aan de deelnemers was een bloemlezing samen te stellen met een omvang van acht, of meer bladzijden tekst plus titelpagina en colofon, en deze te drukken in een oplage van vijfenzestig exemplaren. Elk boekje meet 22,5x14,5 cm. en heeft minstens twee katerns. Zesentwintig marginale drukkers hebben elk hun idee van een bloemlezing uitgewerkt. Aan de serie is een inhoudsopgave toegevoegd als zevenentwintigste boekje." (typescript prospectus). Contributions by i.a. Avalon Pers, In de Bonnefant, De Breukenpers, Linea Recta, Mercatorpers, De Oude Degel, Plim's Stoomdrukkerijen, De Priegelpers, Regulierenpers, Rosmarijnpers, De Veerpers and De Wisteria.

€ (200-300)
76 1398 Bonnard P  Montherlant H de 76 1398 Bonnard P Montherlant H de
76/1398 [Bonnard, P.]. Montherlant, H. de. La Rédemption par les bêtes. Paris, F. Mourlot, 1959, 107,(5)p., 22 (incl. 1 double-p.) lithographs by P. BONNARD, printed in 280 numb. copies (77), loose as issued in orig. wr., orig. cl. chemise and (worn) slipcase, folio.

- Bookplate on htitle.

= Terasse 40; Monod 8401. WITH 2 extra suites: a suite of 39 lithographs (with 17 unused) printed on "rose sur vélin de Rives" and a suite of 22 lithographs on "vert sur vélin de Rives". The lithographs were begun by Bonnard in 1928 and finished after his death in 1947 by Mourlot.

€ (150-250) 150
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