- Sl. soiled and worn/ dogeared; some vague creases.Spine splitting at ends
= Rattemeyer/ Helms 20; Rattemeyer a.o. p.47; Lottner p.81ff; Spencer p.93ff; Bolliger I, 422; II, 525; Schwarz 91; Schmalenbach p.53; Andel p.202f. "'Merz 11' ist ein Werbeheft für die Produkte der Firma Günther Wagner, Hannover (...). Es ist entsprechend den Prinzipien der Neuen Typographie gestaltet (...)" (Rattemeyer/ Helms); "Mit wichtigen 'Thesen zur Typographie' van Kurt Schwitters und 'Einige Thesen zur Gestaltung der Reklame' von Max Burchartz. Die Nummer enthält ferner auf 5 Seiten völlig neue Wege gehende Reklame-Entwürfe für die Produkte der Pelikan-Werke, gestaltet van der Merz-Werbezentrale (Leitung Kurt Schwitters). Die letzte Seite wirbt für die Merz-Publikationen, für die Zeitschriften 'l'Esprit nouveau', 'De Stij', 'Der Sturm' und für die 'Zeitschrift G'." (Bolliger). One of the ultimate highlights concerning typographic art and advertising. Very rare. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XVI.
- Vertical fold throughout; sl. worn and thumbed. Wrappers foxed and soiled; sm. tear in upper blank margin frontwr. and fore-edge margin backwr.; spine-ends split. Cut-out advert (on blue paper) for Nasci ("Sie können hier zum erste Male aus der Zukunft zurückblocken in unsere Gegenwart") and Hahnepeter mounted on inside frontwr.
= Rattemeyer/ Helms 19; Schmalenbach p.53; Bolliger I, 421; II, 524; Schwarz 91. Typography by EL LISSITZKY, with an introduction by the same and illustrations of works by Malewitsch, El Lissitzky, Mondriaan, Schwitters, Archipenko, Arp, Oud, Mies van der Rohe, Tatlin, Braque and Man Ray, each w. a short commentary in German and French. "Das Heft is ein Versuch, unter dem Motto "Natur von lat. NASCI" die "internationale Kunstproduktion der Gegenwart" aufzuzeigen und auf Analogien von natürlichen und geschaffenen Formen hinzuweisen." (Rattemeyer/ Helms). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XVII.
- Trifle yellowed; upper inner corner w. very vague bump. Binding sl. yellowed/ soiled and vaguely foxed; backstrip rubbed; upper hinge sm. tear at top.
= Rattemeyer/ Helms 26b (variant w. mounted label "Merz 16/17. 1925/II" on frontcover; "Uberklebt wurden das Wort Apossverlag, das schwarze Quadrat, der weinende Hahnepeter und "Band 1""); Bolliger I, 63 ("Entzückendes Dada-Kinderbuch"); II, 70; IV, 292; V, 39; VI, 118; Schmalenbach p.180; Schwarz 91; Bilderwelt im Kinderbuch 605. Contains Schwitters' fairytales "Der Hahnepeter", "Der Paradiesvogel" and "Das Paradies auf der Wiese"; the last page has adverts for Merz. The first page w. tipped-in strip w. information for the subscribers to Merz: "Die Lieferungen Merz 14/15, die Scheuche, typgraphisches Märchen und Merz 16/17, die Märchen vom Paradiese[sic] sind die vier Merznummern für das Jahresabonnment 1925 auf Merz. Voraussichtlich soll ab 1. Januar 1926 Merz wieder wie bisher als Zeitschrift erscheinen (...)" (not called for by Rattemeyer/ Helms). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XVII.
- Lacks binding; trifle yellowed (first and last leaf somewhat more); first page w. remnants tipped-in strip w. information for the subscribers to Merz (see the preceding lot).
= Contains Schwitters' fairytales "Der Hahnepeter", "Der Paradiesvogel" and "Das Paradies auf der Wiese"; last page w. adverts for Merz.
- Vague horizontal middle fold; sl. foxed/ dustsoiled; loose (lacks staple); spine splitting at ends.
= Bolliger II, 157 ("Sehr selten"); Schwarz 32. Contains contributions by i.a. T. Tzara, F. Picabia, P. Eluard, A, Breton, G. Ribemont-Dessaignes, L. Aragon and E. Pound. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XVII.
- Two tiny pin holes. = Bolliger II, 85. One of 5 "Papillons Dada" with texts by Tristan Tzara. Very rare.
- Four more vols. were published. Most vols. spine sl. rubbed.
- Waterst. in lower left corner; occas. worn at folds; (trifle torn) pinholes in corners.
= Very rare. Psychogeography is an approach to geography that emphasizes playfulness and "drifting" around urban environments and was defined in 1955 by Guy Debord as "the study of the precise laws and specific effects of the geographical environment, consciously organized or not, on the emotions and behavior of individuals" (wikipedia). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XVIII.
- Fine. = Contains catalogue raisonné of the prints.
- Horizontal middle fold. Perhaps lacks a second leaf w. signature?
= For the letterhead: Hoek 559a2. Very interesting and highly important letter, i.a. about the painting ("een kompositie in drieën, d.w.z. drie stukken die samen éen geheel zijn") he is working on, and extensively on his new found definition of the plane. "(...) Toen ik vandaag de schoenen aantrok, schrok ik dat er al weer zoo'n tijd - bijna een maand - verstreken was toen ik ze van je ontving.(...) Je weet misschien dat mijn laatste werk geheel vlak is, zonder hol of bol. Ik heb nu een goeie definitie voor het vlak gevonden: het midden van het "holle" en het "bolle". (...) Nu laat zich ook begrijpen waarom het vlak het meest zuivere, het meest spiritueele in de schilderkunst zijn moet (...). De fransche kubisten hadden het altijd over "het bereiken van een maximum van plastiek" of "maximum van intensiteit". Ze werken met bogen, cirkel, kegels, cylinder enz. Ze begrijpen niet, dat het vlak resumé is van alle bolle en holle vormen. Zie: het vlak is het evenwicht tusschen hol en bol." SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XVIII.
= Handboekjes Elck 't Beste. Hoek p.766.
Schwitters, K., Steinitz, K. and Doesburg, T. van. Die Scheuche. Märchen. Introd. E. Slagter. Alkm., Fizz-Subvers Press, 1980, (16)p., printed in 1000 copies, orig. wr., obl. 8vo.
= Facs. reprint of the ed. Hannover, 1925. Dada Bibliotheek Boek 5.
AND 3 others, i.a. VADER EN ZOON. Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis. César Domela Nieuwenhuis (Gersloot, n.d., (col.) ills., orig. wr., 4to).
- Sl. yellowed; last (blank) page stained in upper margin. Backwr. sm. tear in upper margin; top of spine repaired w. tape.
= Hoek p.766.
Idem. Klassiek-bariok-modern. Antw./ Amst., De Sikkel/ Em. Querido, 1920, 31,(1)p., 17 plates, orig. wr. by T. VAN DOESBURG.
- Some foxing. Backstrip dam. (partly strengthened w. tape); wr. soiled, browned and worn.
= Hoek 647 and p.767.
ADDED: facs. reprint of the periodical MÉCANO, ed. by Theo van Doesburg (Amst., 1980, 4 parts and introd. booklet, in orig. dec. cl. portfolio). - AND 2 special issues of periodicals to commemorate Theo van Doesburg: DE 8 EN OPBOUW (year 6, no.17, 17 Aug., 1935, ills., orig. photomontage wr. by PAUL SCHUITEMA, large 4to. Sl. soiled/ worn) and PRISMA DER KUNSTEN (May 1936, ills., orig. wr., 4to).
- A few tiny unobtrusive creases. = Hoek 659b3; Purvis/ De Jong p.79.
- Trifle browned. = Hoek 659b3; Purvis/ De Jong p.79.
- Trifle soiled. Without content.
= Hoek 559c2 (dating 1917). "(...) Evert Rinsema moet tegen Van Doesburg gezegd hebben: "Kom eens naar Drachten". Daar leerde hij de architect C.R. de Boer kennen, met wie hij nauw ging samenwerken. Zij werkten aan zestien middenstandswoningen en aan de daartegenover gelegen Landbouwwinterschool (...)" (K. Schippers, Dada in Drachten. 1971).
AND a second copy of the envelope, addressed to the same (folded, creased; verso w. tears repaired w. sellotape).
- Lacks flap; yellowed; trifle frayed in upper blank margin. Without content.
= Hoek 659g2, dating 1924/1925. Recto with MANUSCRIPT SHORT NOTE (±1928) by Van Doesburg in pen and ink: "Daar dit num: 78 is uitverkocht, verzoek ik U vriendelijk het mij weer terug te zenden. D."
- No.5 lacks 1 plate ("Bijlage IX"). Partly (sl.) foxed/ yellowed (incl. wr.). First issue spine partly split; last 4 issues wr. loose and brittle/ frayed; no.10 w. large tear in frontwr.
= Hoek 559d and p.750f; Schwarz 149; Bolliger III, 222 and VI, 817; Andel p.205. One of the most important and influential modernist periodicals of the 20th century.
- No.4 lacks 1 plate ("Bijlage VII"). Some (sl.) foxing. Wrappers partly sl. yellowed; spine of 3 parts splitting and wr. of 2 parts sl. frayed; 2 parts w. owner's entry of frontwr.
= No.1 w. bound in "Bericht" concering the change of publisher; no.12 w. loosely inserted index to year 2. Hoek 559d and p.751f; Schwarz 149; Bolliger III, 222 and VI, 817. One of the most important and influential modernist periodicals of the 20th century.
- Lacks 3 plates ("Bijlage VII", "Bijlage X" and "Bijlage XIV"). Sl. yellowed and some occas. foxing. Wrappers partly sl. discol./ yellowed along margins, 1x backwr. w. chip; spines occas. splitting (one part wr. loose) and one other part spine strengthened w. Japanese paper; 6 parts w. owner's entry on frontwr.; 2 parts wr. sl. stained (1x w. sm. hole).
= Near complete run of the third year of one of the most important and influential modernist periodicals of the 20th cent. No.6 w. tipped-in slip w. change of address of the editor. Hoek 559d and p.752f; Schwarz 149; Bolliger III, 222 and VI, 817.