= Monod 12. One of 140 copies on Papier du Japon. With loosely inserted orig. prospectus.
= Including the series Dichters in Drente vol.5-13 (1986-1989, 9 vols.) and Lettergrepen vol.1 and 3 (1989). I.a. F. HOPMAN, Autobiografische schets (1985); E. BRACHES, Wapenstilstand en Moederkoorn (1985); J.H. DE BOIS, Een Haarlemse kunstenaar: S.H. de Roos (1985); Een 'Haagse Uitgeverij'. De Zilverdistel in het geding (1985); A. VAN DER VOSSEN, Een vergeten kunstenaar (1985, orig. woodcut (no. 6) SIGNED by the artist); IDEM, the same work (1985, orig. etching (no. 8) SIGNED by the artist); E. BRACHES, Kentering (1986); H. HEYTING, Dubbelfocus (1986, SIGNED by the author); G. NIJENHUIS, De ouders (1986, loosely inserted AUTOGRAPH verse); A. ROLAND HOLST, Hij bestond op zichzelf. Over Arthur van Schendel (1986); J. SLAUERHOFF, Ik werd niet geboren om te sterven gelaten (1986); C. BELLAERT, De Heuvelpers. Enkele kanttekeningen (1989); J. BUCKLAND WRIGHT, A Letter on Ink (1989, engr. plate); V. VAN GOGH, Een tochtje naar Zweeloo (1989, 2 tipped-in col. photographs); J.H. RÖSSING, Hij wou, maar kon er niet uit (1989) and 'Verzorgd door de uitgevers'. Een kleine correspondentie tussen Joh.C. Brusse en A.A.M. Stols (1989).
- Mint.
= Although the colophon calls for 5 DELUXE leather-bound copies, one more deluxe copy was made by Susan Allix at the request of a collector and numbered "7/ 25". It has a different wheel on the frontcover than the other deluxe copies (information supplied by the binder). With loosely inserted publisher's brochure. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXVII.
- Mint copy.
= "This is a wry look at some nonsensical words, verses and extracts. It uses different sizes and colours of paper, odd punctuation, settings and visual disturbances." (the artist's website: http://www.susanallix.com/). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXVIII.
= A beautiful, pristine copy, numb. "1". The second book published by Susan Alix. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXVIII.
= I.a. T. VAN 'T ZAND, Overgave (1979, ills. by J. van der Zee); D. POST VAN DER MOLEN, Mette Beer Wandeld (1988); Aankondiging onzer Hollandsche Mediaeval (1990, reprint of the Lettergieterij Amsterdam, 1912 ed.); A.E.C. SIMONI, Printing as Resistance (1990); G. POST VAN DER MOLEN, Dat is wat wonders (1990); P.J. VERKRUIJSSE, Ik, het boek (1995); A. MOERDIJK, WNT (1998, w. booklet "Academische zitting"); F.A. JANSSEN, De nieuwe corrector (1999); A. IBN SUDUN, Het Gestolen Bidkleedje. Transl. A. Vrolijk (1999); M. VAN WIJK-SLUYTERMAN, Er was eens... (2000, 5 loosely inserted picture postcards and bookmarker, orig. envelope); G. POST VAN DER MOLEN and R. RIJKSE, 't Geluck waeit niemand in den mond (2000, ills., orig. gilt cl.); J. LANDWEHR, Wie zou niet gaarne een koning wezen? (2002); J. VAN DER WEG and T. DUIJX, Suja, suze, eia & nane (2003, linocuts by S. Zwaaneveldt); R. HONINGS, Het topje van de leesberg (2011, tipped-in plates); G. POST VAN DER MOLEN, De magie van margedrukken (2015) and other (small) publications, newsletters and correspondence.
- Occas. fingersoiled in lower outer corner. Corners and spine-ends of wr. rubbed and sm. patch grazed by silverfish; corners and spine-ends trifle rubbed.
= With an extensive AUTOGRAPH SIGNED inscription in pen and black ink on first blank. One of only 5 copies printed on special French Japan paper.
= "Eldorica. Zicht op een andere en nieuwe wereld. Reisverslag werd opgetekend tussen 1969 en 1979. Dit boek is door de kunstenaar gemaakt in een oplage van 90 exemplarem. Dit is daaruit nr. 29. 3-3-1989. [signed]".
- Fine. = Not in Monod.
Idem. Histoire de Madame la Comtesse de Barres. Ibid., idem, 1945, 124,(1)p., 9 pochoir col. plates by G. ANNENKOFF, printed in 650 numb. copies on papier vergé pur chiffon, orig. wr., chemise and orig. pochoir col. slipcase, sm. 8vo.
- Without the extra suite of lithographs; (sl.) foxed. = Monod 2776.
- Slipcase sm. dam. spot on boardedge. = Copy printed on the name of M.B.B. Nijkerk. Monod 361.
Shi Tao. Les propos sur la peinture du moine citrouille-amère. French transl. P. Ryckmans. Paris, La Compagnie Typographique, 2002, 190,(7)p., num. full-p. Chinese calligraphies by SHI BO, printed in 121 numb. copies (88), in lvs. as published in orig. wr., orig. giltlettered silk dropback box, folio.
- Box sl. dustsoiled; lid w. tiny dam.
- All vols. hinges weak/ broken; a few quires loose(ning); occas. sl. foxed. Bindings trifle worn.
ADDED: Wilde, O. Die Erzählungen und Märchen. Leipsic, Insel, 1910, (2),212,(4),(2 advert.)p., title-p., full-p. ills., initials and orig. gilt boards by H. VOGELER.
- Hinges strengthened. Binding sl. worn; partly sunned; lower joint starting.
- Fine copy. = Astèr 3. Breugelmans 154. With the original prospectus.
Andrian, L. De tuin van de openbaring. Dutch transl. A. Verwey and S. George. Ibid., idem, 1984, 44,(3)p., printed in 125 numb. copies (100) under supervision of G. Kleis, orig. gilt red hmor. by the Phoenix Bindery.
- Fine copy. = Astèr 2. With the original prospectus for the series.
Mallarmé, S. Gedichten. Dutch transl. P. Claes. Ibid., idem, 1983, 38,(3)p., printed in black and green in 125 numb. copies (100) under supervision of Ger Kleis, text in French and Dutch, orig. gilt green hmor., large 8vo.
- Fine copy.
= Astèr 1. With loosely inserted prospectuses for this publication and for Astèr 2.
= I.a. J. VAN MAERLANT, Wapene Martijn (1979, unnumb. copy); P. VAN OSTAIJEN, Enkele gedichten (1980, 3 etchings by G. van Assche, w. an extra suite of loosely inserted etchings SIGNED by the artist, orig. giltlettered cl.); J. CORTÁZAR, Het te pletter slaan van de druppels (1981, 3 etchings by Z. Janeczek, w. an extra suite of loosely inserted etchings, printed in 80 numb. copies (30), orig. cl.); O. PAZ, Toekomstige hymne (1982, orig. watercolour by M. de Bruijn, printed in 78 numb. copies (33)); L. VROMAN, Oorlog (1982, orig. etching by L. Strik, SIGNED by the artist); F. BUDÉ, Suite voor een bruid (1986, SIGNED by the author); W.S. GRAHAM, Benaderingen van hoe ze zich gedragen. Dutch transl. W. van Toorn (1986, 6 silkscreen prints by H. Landsaat, SIGNED by the translator and the artist, orig. boards w. transparent dustwr.); OEY TJENG SIT, Een stilte die gelukkig maakt (1990, linocut); H.C. TEN BERGE, Vreemde vondsten (1991, 5 col. linocuts by R. Bakker, SIGNED by the author and the artist); J. BERNLEF a.o., Hetzelfde anders. 21 dichters en de lente (1997); C. NOOTEBOOM, Zo kon het zijn (1998, SIGNED by the author); F. BUDÉ, Transparanten (1998, SIGNED by the author); L. VROMAN, Achtduizend seizoenen (1999, slipcase) and 16 New Year's/ "Lente" publications (incl. 3 duplicates).
WITH: numerous prospectuses.
= I.a. M. ANDRIESSEN, Als twee grijsaards (1987); H. PRENEN, Op heterdaad (1990, ills. by P. Wetselaar, unopened); Uitspraken van en over KEES VERWEY (1991, 2x loosely inserted self-portrait by K. Verwey, printed in 135 numb. copies, bound by E. Schots); J. HERZBERG, De zoen tussen flotsam en jetsam (1994, SIGNED and dated 1 April 1995 by the author); P. VAN OSTAIJEN, Fatalisties liedje (1996, printed in 75 numb. copies, numb. "HC"); H. FONVILLE, Schilderlessen bij Kees Verwey (1999, bound by E. Schots); DANTE ALIGHIERI, Rime XIV. Dutch transl. F. van Dooren (2001, printed in 115 numb. copies (15)); N. BEETS, De Damiaatjes (2001, printed in 115 numb. copies (15), numb. "H.S."); L. VROMAN, Zin en laatste woord (2001, printed in 50 numb. copies (30), SIGNED by the author); R. KOPLAND, De distel (2002, printed in 115 numb. copies (15), orig. envelope); K. SPEENHOF, De naaktloper (2002, printed in 35 copies); P.C. HOOFT, Dartelavond (2004, printed in 125 numb. copies (25)); B. BRECHT, Die Ballade von dem Soldaten (2008, printed in 120 numb. copies (20)); S. VESTDIJK, Brieven aan Henriëtte van Eyk (2011, printed in 115 numb. copies (15), mounted photogr. and 4 envelopes containing letter fragments) and 2 SIGNED linocuts by KEES VERWEY (1994).
AND ±25 small publications by the printer, i.a. New Years' wishes and correspondence.
= I.a. G. ACHTERBERG, Vincent (1974, plano, printed in 50 numb. copies); Enig hout (1977, col. woodcut ills., printed in 25 numb. copies); G. ACHTERBERG, Acht kwatrijnen (1980, printed in 30 numb. copies, this copy H.C.); A.H. FREIS, Oorlog. Verzen in staccato (1981, printed in 120 numb. copies (25), orig. cl. w. dustwr., bound by J.C. van Hooff); M. VASALIS, Kinderen. Fragment (1982, printed in 80 copies (20), orig. cl., bound by J.C. van Hooff); F. BORDEWIJK, De publieke fotolach (1984, printed in 125 copies (26), orig. cl., bound by J.C. van Hooff); K. SCHWITTERS/ B. VOETEN, Acht gedichten (1986, printed in 99 copies (30), orig. giltlettered red hmor., bound by the Phoenix Bindery); B. VOETEN, Nieuwe gedichten (1988, printed in 125 numb. copies (25), orig. grey hmor., bound by the Phoenix Bindery); A. FRANCE, Sur une signature de Marie Stuart (1990, printed in 20 copies); C. VAN DER STRAAT, Poëtische reflecties (1993, printed in 90 copies); Harry G.M. Prick & Lodewijk van Deyssel (1995, printed in 15 copies, this copy for R. Breugelmans, w. manuscript letter from H. Prick to the same); J. BROUWERS, De zondvloed (1997, loosely inserted SIGNED silkscreen by J. Veerkamp, orig. cl.); L. VAN DEYSSEL, Rozenruikers (1998, printed in 50 copies, orig. cl., this copy for R. Breugelmans); K. SCHIPPERS, De prinses zonder jaartal (2000, engr. portrait by W. Zwiers, printed 220 numb. copies, SIGNED by the author, orig. cl., bound by H. van der Kruijk); K. VAN KOOTEN, Thalia (2001, printed in 225 numb. and SIGNED copies, orig. hcl., bound by Bindery Van Waarden); A. DOUGLAS, Oscar Wilde (2002, orig. cl., bound by H. van der Kruijk); O. CUSTANCE, I desire the Moon (2004, orig. cl., bound by the Van Waarden Bindery); K. VAN HET REVE, Burgemeesterslied (2009, orig. wr.); W. SMIT, De sleutel-varianten (2010, etching by W. Landman, printed in 108 copies (30, this copy unnumb.), orig. giltlettered grey hmor., bound by H. van der Kruijk); J. SLAUERHOFF, Icarus (2010, woodengr. by P. Lazarov, printed in 99 numb. copies, orig. cl., bound by H. van der Kruijk); P. VALÉRY, Le cimetière marin/ Het kerkhof aan zee. Dutch transl. P. Claes (2011, printed in 80 numb. copies (20), SIGNED by the translator, orig. giltlettered hvellum, bound by H. van der Kruijk) and C. MIDDLETON, Parabels en grotesken (2012, loosely inserted woodengr. by P. Lazarov, printed in 120 numb. copies (30), orig. giltlettered cl., bound by the Van Dijk Bindery).
AND ±65 small publications, i.a. prospectuses and invitations.
- Occas. trifle foxed (endpapers worse).
= One of 250 copies (numb. 1-250) bound in full gilt red mor., t.e.g., w. title and each full-p. ill. signed by the artist.
- Unnumb. copy. Some foxing.
Orpheus. No.1-15. The Hague, A.A.M. Stols, 1941, 16 vols. (2x vol. 8), 15 frontisp., in parts as issued, together in custom-made cl. box by PAU GROENENDIJK.
= Complete series. Poems by B. Aafjes, J.C. Bloem, P.C. Boutens, A. van Duinkerken, C. Eggink, J. Engelman, P.N. van Eyck, E. Hoornik, M. Nijhoff, J. van Nijlen, E. du Perron, A. Roland Holst, J. Slauerhoff, M. Vasalis and S. Vestdijk, illustrated by C.A.B. Bantzinger (2x), E. Doeve, R.L. Fernhout, W. Hussem, J.M. Prange, J. Roede, C.F. Roelofsz, P.G. Rueter, J.S. Sjollema, G. van Waterschoot van der Gracht, F. Westendorp and A.C. Willink (2x). Van Dijk p.522.
AND 1 other.
- First 2 plates numb. in ballpoint in upper corner; booklet sl. creased and fingersoiled. Sides of portfolio strengthened w. tape.
= Very fine plates. Russian émigré Andrey Avinoff (1884-1949) was an acclaimed American lepidopterist. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXVIII.
= Contains 14 printed contributions by various Dutch and Belgian private presses, i.a. Avalon Pers, Mercator Pers, Marlies Louwes, Grafisch Atelier 'de Prent' and Rootvoet pers.