- Lower corner frontcover cracked; foot of spine sl. dam.
= Facs. reprint of the ed. Amst., 1938.
AND 1 other: J.R. VAN DIESSEN and R.P.G.A. VOSKUIL, Stedenatlas Nederlands-Indië (Purmerend, 1998, col. maps/ plans, orig. boards, folio).
- Extensive contemp. annots. on verso maps. Covers soiled. = Koeman VI, Geld A11.
AND 3 others, i.a. a 15th ed. of the same work (1918).
= Exhaustive publication on all railway tracks and buildings of Sumatra, with numerous plans, designs, photographic comparisons - much attention being given to railway architecture.
Idem. Spoorwegstations op Java. Ibid., idem, 1993, 240p., num. (col.) ills., orig. boards w. dustwr., 4to. Vries, H.M. de. The importance of Java seen from the air. A book devoted to the interest of the island of Java. Batavia, H.M. de Vries, n.d. (±1927), 332p., fold. col. map, 315 ills., orig. gilt cl., 4to.
- One leaf loose; bookplate on upper pastedown; owner's entry on first free endpaper. Joints split(ting).
= Ockeloen p.968. The illustrations mainly depict estates and plantations from the air.
AND 1 other.
- Without the dustwrapper. = Standard bibliography on the subject.
AND 2 others, i.a. B. BROMMER, Reizend door Oost-Indië. Prenten en verhalen uit de 19e eeuw (ibid., 1979, (col.) ills., orig. wr., 4to).
- Ruststained from binding staples. Othewise fine. = Rare.
AND 1 other: K.G. KNOL a.o., Kaart en tekst. Eerste atlas van Nederlandsch Indië voor de Indische lagere school (Gron., etc., 1932, 2nd ed., 38 (fold.) col. maps, orig. hcl, 4to. Upper hinge weak; upper right corner cut off from title-p.; spine-ends worn).
- Lacks title-p. to the 4th part; occas. trilfe foxed. Edges binding sl. rubbed; spine dried and sunned.
= Rouffaer/ Muller p.9; Tiele 77*; Feith 220. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXIV.
= Rouffaer/ Muller p.14 (1st ed., 1887).
Hazeu, G.A.J. Tjeribonsch Wetboek (Pepakem Tjerbon) van het jaar 1768. Batavia and The Hague, Albrecht & Co/ M. Nijhoff, 1905, VII,(5),187p., contemp. hcl.
- A few sm. worm holes in outer and upper margin.
= Verhandelingen Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, deel LV, 2e stuk.
AND 11 other scientific publications, incl. offprints, mostly 19th cent., mostly with womholes, i.a. A.H.J.G. WALBEEHM, De taalsoorten in het Javaansch. Eerste stuk (Batavia, 1896); T. ROORDA, Proeve van Jaansche poëzie uit het javaansche heldendicht de Brâtâ-joedâ of de strijd der Barâthâs (Leeuw., 1841); J. BRANDES, Pararaton (Ken Arok) of het boek der Koningen van Tumapel en van Majapahit (n,pl., n.d.) and H. KERN, Wrtta-sañc'aya. Oudjavaansch leerdicht over versbouw in Kawi-tekst en Nederlandsche vertaling (Leyden, 1875).
- First vol. lower hinge strengthened; all vols. bookplate on upper pastedown and owner's entry on htitle. All vols. leather on spine dried/ sl. dam.
= Rouffaer/ Muller p.50. Rare.
AND 1 other: T.J. BEZEMER, Beknopte encyclopaedie van Nederlandsch-Indië (The Hague/ Leyden, 1921, fold. tinted lithogr. map., plates, orig. gilt cl. Binding stained).
- Lacks the final installment and (as in most copies found) the tables to the 6th part and the plates to the 7th and 8th parts. Num. annots. in pencil; library stamp on first title-p. of each vol.
= Rare classification of the flora of Indonesia. Carl Ludwig Blume (1798-1862), was the director of the botanical gardens at Buitenzorg as well as of the botanical collection at Leyden. Junk 5326: "Vollständige Reihen dieser alten Sammlung sind ausserordentlich selten." Descriptions of the plants listed often come with information about their pharmaceutical use. Also contains the first list of orchids to be found on Java.
- Binding vol. 1 partly (vaguely) stained/ soiled. = Rouffaer/ Muller Suppl.II, p.16.
Deli-Batavia Maatschappij 1875-1925. Amst., Deli-Maatschappij, 1925, (8),80p., double-p. col. lithogr. map, num. plates, orig. gilt cl., 4to. Deli-maatschappij. Gedenkschrift bij gelegenheid van het vijftigjarig bestaan. Ibid., idem, 1919, 84p., fold. maps/ plans, portraits, plates, orig. giltlettered (sl. scratched/ worn) wr., 4to. - AND 2 others.
= Vol.4 of the series Historische plattegronden van Nederlandse steden.
AND 5 others, i.a. P.K.M. VAN ROOSMALEN, Ontwerpen aan de stad. Stedenbouw in Nederlands-Indië en Indonesië (Delft, 2008, ills., orig. wr. thesis); A.C. BOESHART a.o., Soerabaja. Beeld van een stad (Purmerend, 1994, (col.) ills., orig. boards w. dustwr., 4to) and A. WENTHOLT (ed.), In kaart gebracht met kapmes en kompas (...) (Heerlen, 2003, num. (col.) ills., 3 maps in rear pocket, orig. wr., sm. 4to). - ADDED: a collection of ±140 photographs concerning Batavia (all 2nd half 20th cent., various sizes).
- Binding sl. stained; joints splitting at spine-ends. = Rouffaer/ Muller suppl. III, p.15.
- Bookblock and covers mouldy and frayed along fore edge. = Huiskamp Z52.
- All vols. w. sm. Chinese owner's stamp on title-p. and sm. owner's entry on htitle. Backstrip of vol. IV trifle rubbed.
= Without the separately published vol. VII (publ. in 1952-53.
- Frontwrapper sl. frayed; backstrip and backwr. chipped/ sl. dam. Contents fine.
= Important work on the people of Sumatra and Nias. Rouffaer/ Muller suppl.II, p.17.