- Duststained; folded once.
= Achttienhoven near Nieuwkoop, the river Oude Meije can be seen in the upper left corner. Laurens Jansz. Spiegel, lord of Achttienhoven, died in 1623 and was married to Cornelia (Neeltje) Oudenrogh (1572-1647), who probably commissioned this map. Shown are the separate plots and a list with their sizes and their respective owners/ tenants. I.a. Anthony Oetgens (Lord of Waveren) who was also related to the Spiegel family. Donkersloot-De Vrij, Repertorium van Nederlandse kaartmakers 1500 - 1900, p.97 (mentioning this map). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXII.
= Drawings of i.a. "Appelmarkt", "Gr. Kerk", "Hoek Koningsstraat" and "Koppelpoort".
= From "Afbeelding der vreugdebedryven en plegtigheden (...) te Amsterdam, op maandag, den 30 Mey, en eenige volgende dagen, des jaars 1768". Landwehr, Splendid ceremonies 256; Atlas van Stolk V, 4183; F.M. 4210.
AND 4 others: one similar engraving by the same, from the same work: "Zittingneming van zijne Doorl. Hoogheid, Willem den Vijfden, als Capitein Admiraal Generaal, in het Edel-Mogende Col. ter Admiraliteit te Amsteldam; den 31en May 1768" (F.M. 4210); a letterpress broadside: "Graf-schrift: op den dapperen kanonnier, Johannes Rannink. Plechtig en Staatig ter Aarde Besteld, den Achtsten December 1787, in de Ooster Kerk, binnen Amsterdam" (F.M. 5051, 5); "Monument voor Amsterdam, No.2, 1787" (F.M. 4979. "Proefdruk") and "Oude Constitutie Herstelt. Ao. 1787" (F.M. 4981. Lower margin cut off, just touching image).
- A few marginal tears.
= Left part of a diptych view only. On verso plate XXII (showing 9 events of the year 1721), printed in red from P. Schenk, Schouwburg van den oorlog (Amst., 1721).
= Hameleers 19. Nice plan with the churches and cloisters standing out and the planned and started enlargement of Amsterdam of 1607. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXIII.
- One fold splitting in lower blank margin.
= Hameleers 62; D'Ailly 129.
- Trifle browned.
- Lacks one plan ("Wijk X"), but with two extra manuscript plans ("78a Buurt XX" and "85a Buurt YY"); partly frayed/ dam. and rather brittle (as usual); sl. yellowed.
= The extra map of Buurt YY shows a design of the Sarphatipark and the streets to the north (i.a. Govert Flinck straat, only partially w. built houses, ±1881-1890) and map 78a (buurt XX) shows houses and a streetplan around the corner of the Jacob van Lennepkade and the Nassaukade. Also a few maps with additions in pen and ink and watercolour (of later erected houses) and various annotations and rough sketches (probably by an architect or engineer). d'Ailly 533. "Uit de vorige eeuw kennen we de buurtkaarten. De verdeling in buurten werd in 1851 ingesteld, waarna een aantal uitgevers atlassen op de markt bracht waarin van iedere buurt een kaart was opgenomen. De belangrijkste is wel die van J.C. Loman. Zijn in 1876 in druk verschenen atlas, waarin we alle buurten vinden op een schaal van 1:1250, geeft ook een perceelsgewijze indeling, waarbij de in 1875 ingevoerde en nog steeds in gebruik zijnde huisnummering is aangegeven. Ook wordt onderscheid gemaakt tussen publieke gebouwen, kerken, woonhuizen, pakhuizen en "gebouwde eigendommen der Gemeente, niet tot de publieke dienst bestemd". Verder vinden we op deze kaarten de brandschellen, lantaarns, urinoirs, riolen en de "tramway"." (Hofman, Amsterdam. Burgerwijkkaarten, p.I).
ADDED: several loose manuscript and printed 19th cent./ early 20th century plans of parts of Amsterdam, with i.a. proposals by architects for the extensions of Amsterdam in the 2nd half of the 19th century (i.a. the area between the Jacob van Lennepkade and the Overtoom, which in this particular plan is designed as the Vondelkade) and plans used as reference for auctions of building sections.
- Tipped onto mount along left margin. = Proof. F.M. 5170a.
AND 3 others similar, i.a. "Naauwkeurig Gezigt van de Nieuwe Verbouwde Rooms Catholyke Kerk, 't Boomtje genaamt, te Amsterdam" (engraving by ?, 38x40,4 cm., w. engr. caption in 4 columns below image, 18th cent. Vertical middle fold) and "Gezicht van de Roomsch Catholyke Kerk op de Boommarkt by het Spuy; van binnen te Amsterdam" (engraving by C. PHILIPS after H. KEUN, Amst., C. Philips, 1769).
- Caption below cut off; oblique fold in centre of sky to the right of the tower (printing flaw); small closed tear in upper right corner.
= The rare handcoloured version of this view. F.M. 2026.
- Yellowed; middle fold splitting at top end.
= Shows the parcellation of the grounds around the Voorburgwal, between the Singel and the Rokin. Hofman, Amsterdam Burgerwijkkaarten, p.68 (wijk 25, a2, 1758-1759); d'Ailly 44. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXIII.
AND 9 similar from the same period: Wijk 4 (2x), 6, 7, 13, 30, 35 (2x) and 56 (i.a. by J.C. PHILIPS and F. DE BAKKER, all but two partly handcol., various sizes).
- Sl. yellowed; a few sm. wormholes; vague flattened folds (not visible on recto).
= Very rare view, based on the view by B.A. BOLSWERT. Not in F.M. and a variant of the copy held in the Rijksmuseum: the oval panorama below is distinctly different (but identical to the copy in the Stadsarchief Amsterdam). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXIV.
- Trifle browned; some superficial dam. by silverfish; a few closed tears; a few foxed spots.
- Browned; not examined outside frame. = Very rare map. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXIV.